While business owners routinely review their results throughout the year, it's traditional during the transition from December to January to assess and refine strategies and plans moving forward. This can be done through a variety of lenses, depending on business and industry priorities at any given time. We're kicking off 2022 with a two-part series focused on digital commerce, both its current state and what's in store for 2022, as viewed through four pillars: security, intelligence, agility and transparency. This issue's lead article offers perspectives on security and intelligence; our next issue will probe agility and transparency.
Contributing writers featured in this magazine also share perspectives on the future, exploring four trends to watch in the growing alternative lending sphere; preparing merchants for foot traffic amid an unpredictable pandemic; and CFPB actions that could rein in big tech companies to the advantage of ISOs and merchant level salespeople. Other contributors share wisdom on what should and shouldn't be free when licensing payment technology; how to help merchants do more with the workers they have during the current labor shortage; and how R&D tax credits provide capital for innovative companies.
Stories highlighted in this issue's News Briefs include a Visa bulletin concerning cashless ATMs that is causing a stir in the ATM and cannabis industries due to scrutiny put on a scheme involving POS devices posing as ATM terminals and routing sale transactions through debit card networks to makes sales look like ATM cash withdrawals; a prediction that consumers, concerned that supply chain challenges would crimp holiday shopping plans, were expected to purchase more gift cards in 2021 than previously; growing adoption of buy now, pay later (BNPL) options at checkout that prompted the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to request information from leading BNPL providers about debt accumulation, regulatory arbitrage and data harvesting practices; and H&R Block's objection to Square renaming itself Block Inc. in lawsuit against Block asserting that the payments company’s new name infringes upon the H&R Block family of trademarks.
Dedicated to showcasing our readers' achievements, we've included updates on recent awards and milestones, industry research, partnerships, acquisitions, and appointments; new product and company profiles; a reminder from a reader about our critical need to secure our infrastructure; and words of inspiration as we embark upon a new year. We look forward to receiving your comments and questions at greensheet@greensheet.com and to your press releases as press@greensheet.com.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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