Surfing the web has become routine for most consumers. And with each mouse-click, they glean more information and form opinions about the companies behind the websites they visit. People tend to bookmark the websites they will return to and abandon those they judge unworthy of further attention
Payment professionals also search the web for new partners, vendors or employers. Unfortunately, payment businesses can make website mistakes that hurt their chances of landing new business relationships. Following are two potential pitfalls:
Since the web is open 24/7 and website visitors exist in many different time zones and countries, companies offering live online chat should provide it around the clock or, at the very least, post the hours during which live reps will be available to chat.
Certain animated graphics can also be problematic. Flashy graphics may be appropriate for video game sites, for example, but content-based websites should be focused on just that: content. Whatever deviates from a company's core mission will likely distract visitors as well.
Taking time to understand what exasperates web visitors will result in an improved corporate image and more prospects who are open to hearing and responding to your messages.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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