Product: LeapLock Secure Checkout
Company: PayLeap
When payment gateway provider PayLeap demonstrated LeapLock Secure Checkout during the Midwest Acquirers Association's annual conference in July 2012, the newly released product earned an innovation award in the MWAA Shark Tank competition.
PayLeap pointed out that LeapLock is unique in that merchants no longer need to redirect customers to a third party to ensure the security of online transactions, a sometimes costly procedure which can be disruptive to sales. Instead, the patent-pending technology in LeapLock creates an on-demand, hosted secure payment acceptance method that allows customers to remain on the host website for payment submission and offers merchants complete control over the user experience, according to PayLeap.
"Many online merchants continue to face challenges with redirects and poor user experiences resulting in lost sales," said Rod Katzfey, PayLeap Chief Operating Officer. "Merchants who currently use a seamless checkout process have much higher security risks and costs of being PCI compliant."
Katzfey said that because LeapLock initiates the payment session with individual cardholders, merchant servers are completely removed from the payment equation. Cardholder data is delivered directly from PayLeap's secure servers over Secure Sockets Layer encryption. "So they never transmit or see any cardholder data," noted Aaron McClone, Chief Technology Officer at PayLeap. "This reduces much of the security risks associated with PCI compliance."
LeapLock integrates with the PayLeap transaction management platform, the company stated. By doing so, PayLeap captures the credit card payment information section utilizing LeapLock's technology and then embeds that information into the customer's browser using an iframe, which is a "floating" frame embedded on the web page.
"Using LeapLock, the merchant servers send a simple request only containing instructions on what the form should look like," McClone said. A simple application programming interface integrates the checkout form and produces a form that resembles the style design of the merchant's website or web page. In essence, merchants are able to create a customized hosted payment page that matches their online checkout environments.
According to PayLeap, this not only helps reduce the hosting environment, network and application software from PCI scope, but it also provides a seamless, branded experience to the end user. With LeapLock Secure Checkout, online merchants now have a tool to better manage the customer experience without having to sacrifice control of website analytics, PayLeap said.
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