Where can I find a gift card program?
I am a credit card processing ISO. Could you help me find a gift card reseller so I can resell $0 (blank) gift cards to my retail merchants? These blank gift cards can, of course, be loaded for different values to give away as birthday gifts, anniversary or Christmas gifts and some such.
Andy C. Chen
While we do not recommend specific businesses and products to our readers, we can point you toward resources to help you identify and evaluate gift and loyalty program providers that might be suitable for your business.
The Green Sheet Inc. now publishes an annual Buyers Guide, and our 2012 edition is hot off the press. It will soon be available online, too, at www.greensheet.com/gs_gsq.php. Companies are listed according to categories they have defined, and at least two categories will be of interest to you: Gift and Loyalty Card Programs and Gift Cards. A total of 17 companies, along with their contact information, are listed under those headings.
In addition, each issue of The Green Sheet, contains a Resource Guide, which similarly to our Buyers Guide, lists businesses by categories. Each issue also provides an Advertiser Index, listing every company that placed a display ad in that issue.
Of course, these are not the only available sources of potential gift card providers, but they should help you begin your research. Also ask colleagues in the industry for referrals. And if you can get to an industry tradeshow soon, you'll have ample opportunity to gather information about potential partners. Coming up: the Northeast Acquirers Association Summer 2012 Conference will take place June 5 to 6 in Hamburg, N.J. The Western States Acquirers Association's 2012 meeting will follow from Sept. 26 to 27 in Huntington Beach, Calif.
In addition, The Green Sheet issue 12:04:01, published April 9, 2012, contains pertinent information on partnerships. The lead article, "Partnerships fuel portfolio growth," discusses the reasons why many ISOs and merchant level salespeople are turning to value-added service providers and how they make those relationships work. A checklist of what to look for in a potential partner is also provided in a sidebar.
Also in that issue is "Choosing a partner for life," by Justin Milmeister, President and founder of Elite Merchant Solutions. The article shares the author's perspectives on establishing traditional and nontraditional business partnerships.
Thanks for turning to The Green Sheet for advice. Best of luck in finding the right gift card provider.
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