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Bluefin expands European encryption patent to additional countries

Thursday, May 23, 2019 — 13:49:24 (EDT)

Atlanta, May 22, 2019 (PRWeb) -- Bluefin, the leading provider of payment security technologies including PCI-validated Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) solutions for retail, hospitality, healthcare, and higher education, today announced the expansion of its European patent, Systems and Methods for Creating Fingerprints of Encryption Devices, to additional countries.

Virtual “fingerprinting,” or associating unique attributes of an encryption device, is critical in the validated P2PE process. Bluefin’s fingerprinting process is used to validate transactions from each payment device. The digital fingerprint of a payment device extends beyond a unique serial number. Much like 2-factor authentication, the digital fingerprint is used to additionally verify the authenticity of a payment device.

When provisioned, a digital fingerprint of each device is stored. Subsequent transactions from the device are compared to the original provisioning to ensure the authenticity and nonrepudiation for the device. Failure of this verification is an indication of potential device compromise. This allows platforms such as Bluefin’s P2PE Manager® to mark the device as malfunctioning and suspend processing from the device in question pending research and resolution.

The country validation of patent EP3120593 now extends to Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

“We are very pleased to expand coverage of this key patent to additional countries across the European theater,” said Ruston Miles, Bluefin’s Chief Strategy Officer. “Many of our more than one hundred connected partners supporting our PCI-validated P2PE solution have a global presence, and protection of key differentiators is crucial to Bluefin and our partners’ worldwide commercial efforts. Our portfolio of 14 patents protect the intellectual property behind our P2PE program management platform and unique service delivery methods.”

In additional to its suite of 14 U.S., Japanese and European patents, Bluefin has 17 additional patents pending for encryption and payment security innovations. The company’s P2PE network currently includes over 100 connected partners operating in 29 countries, with over 80 devices/applications and 14 Key Injection Facilities (KIFs), as well as remote key injection services (RKI).

On June 4 at 1 pm EST, Bluefin will host a webinar, P2PE in POI Environments: Scope, Cost, Benefits and Implementation. The webinar will overview the POI/POS threat landscape and detail how criminals obtain access to cardholder data.

The webinar will also include discussion on the evolution of P2PE, the differences between certified and non-certified encryption solutions, benefits of PCI-validated P2PE solutions in POI environments, including compliance management and scope reduction, and the roles of tokenization, EMV and P2PE in protecting data. Registration is now open.

About Bluefin

Bluefin provides the leading payment security platform that supports payment gateways, processors and ISV’s in 29 countries. Bluefin’s secure payment platform is key to the holistic approach to data security. Designed to complement EMV and tokenization, Bluefin’s PCI-validated Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) solutions provide a solid security defense against current and future data breaches. Bluefin supports point of sale solutions for retail, mobile, call center and kiosk/unattended environments, and secure Ecommerce technologies. Bluefin is a Participating Organization (PO) of the PCI Security Standards Council (SSC) and is headquartered in Atlanta, with offices in New York, Chicago, Tulsa and Waterford, Ireland. For more information, please visit www.bluefin.com/.

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information: bankcardlife.com?orid=33533&opid=1 .

Source: Company press release. end of article

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