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A Thing ... And Overcoming Objections

... And Overcoming Objections

D o you know any product that is absolutely, positively perfect? Is there even one salesperson out there whose presentation is flawless? Obviously, there are issues, no matter how slight or substantial, with sales techniques and services - and they can pop up during the course of any presentation. The successful sales agent can transform those apparent problems by letting the prospect "show" how to solve them.

Ever get anxious about a potential customer asking about high prices, deployment time, extensive training, etc. before you even sit down to talk? Rather than second-guess and stress out about what your prospect will say, take a deep breath and follow these guidelines:

+ Set Yourself Up. Alleviate your biggest fear by allowing your merchant to voice his or her fears first. By letting your prospect begin, you can respond with calm, concise answers to objections. Ask your prospect if he or she has a problem with anything. They'll usually say "yes." Your response: "Great, let's talk about it. You go first!"

+ Read the Signs. Look for the stiffening of their shoulders. Listen for the hesitation in their voice. And if you're really perceptive, you'll pick up on their eyebrow activity.

+ Speak Out. Address a sticky issue that has your closing stalled in second gear. Rather than sweat under the stress of waiting for your prospect to lower the boom, bring attention to it before they do. That 800-pound gorilla needs to be fed.

+ Elaborate. Always thank your prospect for mentioning any concerns, then ask them to get down and dirty. Present open-ended questions to expose the real issue that's keeping them from a handshake. Don't be afraid to hear it.

+ Leave Your Comfort Zone. While most salespeople are at ease talking about their products, services and such, it is the savvy sales agent who walks out of that zone and into the merchant's space. Get each prospect to detail the business, its capabilities and its customer market to you. That knowledge becomes your power.

+ Be Ready To Move On. Your time is valuable, and so is your reputation. Save face and finances by recognizing the signs of a sale that never will materialize and look to the next and more promising prospect.





 Copyright 2001 The Green Sheet, Inc.