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A Thing Viagra for ISOs

Viagra for ISOs

S uffering from performance dysfunction? Is your portfolio limping along? Looking for a little corporate Viagra? Remember, Viagra is a temporary remedy that treats the symptom, not the problem. ISOs need solutions that are longer lasting.

Consider the following prescriptions. They're sure to keep you going stronger and farther than the Energizer Bunny.

+ Relax. Trying too hard will only get a rise out of your stress level. Take a deep breath when you feel the pressure. Drop your shoulders, relax those facial muscles, especially the jaw. Unfurl that brow. Selling is enjoyable, not something only to be endured.

+ Set the Mood. Turn off all negative distractions. That includes that little voice inside your head that says, "That account is never going to sign with me," or, "I didn't make a good presentation." Instead, surround yourself with provocative thoughts like, "They can't resist me," or, "I'm all that," and you will be.

+ Stroke. Leave little Post-it notes around. "Atta boy/girl! I sold three accounts today!" "Happiness is a positive cash flow." "I'm getting five callbacks today!" You deserve to feel good.

+ Make The Move. Procrastination has never gotten a date. Stop preventing yourself from achieving. Dial that number that you've been carrying around for days. Go visit that new merchant that you've been looking at for weeks.

+ Be Real. You may think you're a rock star, but chances are that supermodel won't. So, set realistic goals. Wanting to be the top salesperson after just six months isn't a goal, it's a fantasy. While fantasy can sweeten performance, they can't sustain it.

+ Try Something Different. Creativity is that secret weapon that does wonders for a sales slump. Take a different way to work. Change your schedule. Listen to a different radio station. Write a new sales script. Eat at a different restaurant. Indulge yourself.

+ Take Pictures. Voyeurism just might be the ticket. Record your voice during a practice telephone sales call. Videotape your sales presentation. Then review them. Knowing what the other person sees and hears will surely help you fine-tune your touch.

+ Become Less Selfish. Like sex, there are two players in the ISO arena- the selling professional and the buying professional. Take emphasis off yourself. Remove all those "I" and "we" words in your sales script and replace with "you" and "your company." Ask what they want to hear, what they want to see, what they need to succeed. Then deliver it.

Good Selling!SM

Paul H. Green





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