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The Green Sheet Online Edition

August 28, 2023 • Issue 23:08:02

Readers Speak: How far can tokenization go?

We received the following note about use cases for tokenization, beyond POS transaction data tokenization, from Radoslav Albrecht, founder and CEO of Bitbond, bitbond.com, a company that provides asset tokenization tools, custody technology, on-chain settlement and implementation support.

"Asset tokenization is the hottest topic in digital assets and blockchain right now," Albrecht stated. "We all see tokenization related announcements practically on a daily basis. When applied to the right use cases, asset tokenization can help grow revenue significantly and cut costs of certain processes by over 90 percent. To take advantage of tokenization, it is important to understand its use cases. Therefore at Bitbond we put together the ultimate overview – the Bitbond Tokenization Use cases Bible."

The 37-page report defines tokenization as "the process of representing valuable assets or rights on a blockchain through the creation of digital tokens. Tokenization gained significant attention and traction after the first financial institutions have implemented foundational digital asset infrastructure over the last few years."

Among the use cases described are digital twins of physical assets such as real estate, art, industrial assets and collectibles; natively digital assets, including digital art and music, digital collectibles and gaming; financial assets like bonds, equities, commodities and fiat-backed stable coins; certifications such as vouchers, loyalty points, awards, entry tickets, web domains, and diplomas and certificates; and other tokens for utilities and governance.

One use case immediately relevant to payments is loyalty points tokenization, which is "the issuance of traditional loyalty points or rewards into natively digital form on the blockchain," researchers wrote. "These digital tokens represent the ownership or rights to certain rewards or benefits. They can be traded, transferred, or redeemed with greater ease, security, and transparency than traditional loyalty points."

The full list of 25 asset tokenization use cases is at www.linkedin.com/posts/bitbond_tokenization-use-cases-bible-2023-bitbond-activity-7087044401281007617-pV2W/.


Have you and your company explored any of the tokenization use cases set forth in this report? How might payments enterprises make use of asset tokenization to improve their products and services? Please share your perspectives on this with us at greensheet@greensheet.com. end of article

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