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A Thing Lipman Succeeding in í99
Lipman Succeeding in '99


Our story on Lipman in issue 99:09:01 caught Lipman president Mony Zenouís eye. He called us to let The Green Sheet readers know just how well Lipman USA is doing in 1999. Hereís an update.

The increased value of the Lipman USA stock can be seen as a direct result of the companyís performance in the U.S. marketplace, with 150% growth over 1998. This POS equipment manufacturer reached $25 million this year. Lipman USA is now a subsidiary of Lipman Israel, the latter company having recently purchased the shares previously held by a Canadian company. The combined strength is increased with a recent deal between Lipman Israel and ECI, the latter buying a 15% interest in the former.

Lipman USA has several other important announcements:

For more information on Lipman USA contact Mony Zenou at (516) 297-1808.


Copyright © The Green Sheet, Inc., 1999. All rights reserved.

First Published November 1, 1999