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A Thing Ethan Frome
You are What You Eat, and Think!


Have you tried positive self-talk? It sounds a bit new age, but it works. And if you think you donít talk to yourself, think again. We all talk to ourselves (sometimes out loud) and we donít always say innocent things such as "Where are my keys?" or "Remember to pick up dry cleaning." We also say negative, discouraging things such as, "I just know Iím gonna fail" or "Thereís no way they will sign with me."

If you tell yourself something enough times, you begin to believe it. Think about it: if you say "I just know they wonít like my products," chances are, they wonít. But if you repeat positive phrases to yourself, you will believe them. And, even better, your prospects will believe them. Try saying the following to yourself a few times each day (If youíre afraid people will stare at you, write them down and put them where you will see them often):

"I am a great salesperson."

"I enjoy selling."

"I have a great product that will help my customers."

"Selling is easy."

"I enjoy meeting new people."

"I am a skilled professional."

Keep it up and you will believe it. You will exude confidence and impress your prospects with your commitment to your product and faith in your service.

