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A Thing Inside This Issue
Rethinking the Familiar


Does this sound familiar? "If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got." How about "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results"? These sayings may bring a smile to your face but they're more than humorous--they're true!

Are you working harder and harder yet seeing no difference in your monthly residual checks? You're not lazy--you just need a new approach. Ask yourself these questions to see if you could use a new perspective:

When was the last time I revamped my presentation? If it's been a few months, spend some time re-working it. Maybe something as simple as changing the order will give it a fresh appeal

Have new competitors entered the market that I'm not currently addressing? If so, do your homework. Find out who they are, who their market is, and what they're known for.

Are there new technologies (ECP, EFT, wireless, e-commerce, Internet) that I don't know much about? If the names sound familiar but that's about it, start educating yourself on new technologies.

Am I doing anything differently from a few months ago? If the answer is no, change something, anything, and quick!

Are certain markets more "seasonable" now? Maybe now's not the time to solicit the jet ski shop. Maybe the snow blower shop would be more appropriate.

Have I added any recent press clippings to my presentation? Check out the Web or your local library (and The Green Sheet and GSQ, of course) for articles on checks, debit, equipment, ECP, ATM, or any other topics which apply to your services.

When did I last use a competitor's terminal? Months ago? Well, go to the store today and swipe your card. Observe others using the terminal too. Don't just look for ways your product is better; find ways it is different. You may stumble upon some benefits you weren't aware of before.

When was the last time I spoke with someone who uses a competing service? Check back with them, not just to re-sell them but to find out what the competition is doing.

To use another cliché, "Work Smarter, not Harder!"

Good Selling!

Paul H. Green


