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A Thing Learn

Learn from the Past and Move On

What do you think is the biggest impediment to realizing your goals? Is it lack of money or time? Too many responsibilities? You may be surprised to learn that the biggest thing that keeps us from reaching our goals is dwelling on bad experiences in the past. I like to refer to it as "that sonofabitch" syndrome or TSOAB. You all have heard it come out of the mouths of people you work with. You know that big opportunity was lost because of TSOAB. Or TSOAB that doesn't play fair or operate professionally, that's what's wrong.

We tend to focus on the injustices levied against us. What happens when we focus on something? We get more of it! Think about it, what do coaches tell their athletes? Focus! So, if you focus on failures and disappointing results, that's what you'll get.

Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with making mistakes and you should take a few minutes and learn from them. It is also true that sometimes the good guy (or gal) doesn't win, but then again, tomorrow is another day. The tragedy comes when we make the same error again and again. Focus on what you want, how you will get there, and change your behavior to prevent the same mistake from happening again or from creating a loosing scenario.

Look at the sentences above. Notice it says " you will get there, and change your behavior... "It doesn't say, "Who will show you how to get there, and how to change others' behavior." YOU'RE the one that must do it, YOUR actions and mind set are what matters. Don't let TSOAB be the winner. It is your mind set that holds you back, and nothing else.


Good Selling!SM

Paul H. Green




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