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Upgradeable Check Reader Released


VeriFone, Inc. has jut released an upgradeable check reader, the first of its kind.

The CR 600 allows merchants to remotely download firmware and configuring information, eliminating the need for the merchant to return the unit for updates.

VeriFone touts the reader as improving productivity and reducing the risk of check fraud. The CR 600 is designed to run a diagnostics program every time it is turned on so that the retailer can convey the exact nature of the problem to a help desk, reducing costs and downtime.

According to George Devitt of VeriFone, "The CR 600 should leap-frog other offers and strengthen a retailers' payment environment because it will allow increased optional efficiencies at less cost to retailers and financial institutions."

The CR 600 is designed to connect to a VeriFone high coercitity triple track reader, enabling it to read mag stripe licenses.

For more information on the VeriFone CR 600, contact VeriFone at (770) 410-0890.



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