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A Thing Phone

Phone Hints for Less Stress

Some quick hints for your next phone appointment:

Write down key points that you want to make. Even though they're ingrained in your brain and you're certain you will never forget them, write down a couple words, such as "In-creased Approvals," or "Guaranteed Lower Rates."

Write down common objection answers, such as "I understand you're busy. That's why we need to talk," or "Would you like a service that increases your sales without any added effort?" Again, you may think you will never forget them, but it can't hurt.

Work on your communication skills. Record your phone conversations and identify the points you need to work on, make it a goal to read more trade publications.

Picture your prospect in your mind as you speak. This helps to attach a person to the voice and see the prospect as someone with a common goal.

Schedule your phone calls wisely. If calling a restaurant, call between 3-5p.m. For an auto dealership, after hours might be the best time to get past the phone screener.

Smile! A smile while talking is perceptible over a phone line and is infectious!



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