Microwaving Your Smart Card-A Fraud
Two Israeli computer scientists have discovered security flaws in
the chips used in many smart cards, raising questions as to whether
they are tamper-proof. Adi Shamir, of the Weitzman Institute, and Eli
Biham, of Technion, said common programs, such as Data Encryption
Standard (DES), can be successfully attacked if a computer processor
can be made to produce an error.
Such an error can be produced by heat or radiation damage, or by
power-supply glitches. The Israelis wrote that they "can extract the
full DES key from a sealed tamper-proof DES encryptor" by analyzing
fewer than 200 encoded messages.
Smart cards are commonly used in Europe and are being tested in
the United States. According to the New York Times, the smart card
industry may have been aware of the flaw for some time. "But it
doesn't mean that they have fixed it," said Paul Kocher, a Silicon
Valley data security consultant.
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