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A Thing Selling

Sales Manager's Dream


Imagine a sales person who completes over 100 cold calls every day and squeezes in an appointment on each coast before the morning coffee break.


This sales professional also works eight hours every day without being bored and taking an afternoon off. Outlandish expense reports are never an issue, in fact, expense reports aren't needed. And this Super Seller never claims to have exhausted all the leads in his or her territory.


You may be thinking, "This is too good to be true." It is, if you're considering outside sales reps, but not if you consider TeleSales.



In many respects, TeleSales representatives are the sales manager's, client's, and seller's dream.


TeleSales professionals are the easiest to train and provide on-going instruction, since they are right under your roof. You can also maintain control of the daily sales focus since they are in your immediate employ. They work full days, and are surely less expensive to employ since no travel or personal expenses are involved. It's the sales manager's easiest way to target accounts and keep a finger on the pulse of sales prospects.


From a client's perspective, TeleSales can be the best sales channel too. The telephone is a highly personal and intimate mode of communication. Customers can be guaranteed that their sales person will be accessible, focused on their needs, and knowledgeable of the company's services and policies. These days, it is imperative for sales professionals to be accessible; if they can't be reached, another seller can.


Finally, TeleSales is an ideal channel for the sales professionals themselves. The telephone provides immediate feedback which permits the seller to change approaches as needed. It allows flexibility to reschedule appointments, and guarantees meetings since telephone appointments are convenient. Basically, it is difficult for a prospect to come up with a reason why they are unattainable by phone.


When focus, training, expense, and control are considered, TeleSales proves to be one of the best modes of selling for Managers, Sales Professionals and Prospective Customers.


Good Selling!SM


Paul H. Green



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