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A Thing Call Back Timing
Call Back Timing

We all know that most of our sales should be a one-call close, and if life was perfect, all of your sales would go that way. Unfortunately, we have to live in the real world. Sometimes we not only can't get an answer on the spot, we can't get to the Decision Maker (DM) because she or he is gone. What do you do upon their return? I suggest when you have called a prospect and learned that the DM will be away for a few days, ask the person you are talking to when the prospect or customer will return. Don't call the day of their return. It's likely that the traveler will be met by piles of paper and numerous requests requiring action. I suggest calling several days AFTER their return. Therefore, you'll have a better chance of reaching the DM after having had more time to crawl out from under their correspondence, and after the "dust has settled." The prospect or customer will likely be closer to normalcy, and will be in a better position to spend quality time with you. Don't forget to tell them, "Ms. Jones told me that you would be back on Tuesday, so I delayed my call to you to give you a chance to catch up from being away." The prospect should respect the fact that you have considered their schedule in your planning.

Good Selling!SM

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