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A Thing Get Organized
Get Organized

The disorganized salesperson was easy to recognize, the cluttered desk, stacks of paper, and post-it-notes covering the calendar were dead giveaways. Now that we've entered the information age, the PC has revolutionized the business world and solved all of our organizational problems. Right?

Wrong! The disorganized person is now overwhelmed with managing disk-space and the reams of data, in addition to all of the paper clutter.

While time-management and project-management programs abound, disorganization isn't solved by computers. These management tools work only if a system is in place. Here are twelve tips on organizing your information flow and improving your information management skills.

1) Make sure your paper files match your electronic records. Your file-drawers should match your directory tree, hence, you will know where to find your information in the office or in cyberspace.

2) Sort through your stacks of paper. Eliminate outdated, duplicate or unnecessary information. Do you really need both the hardcopy and computer file of a document? Copy the file onto a labeled diskette and recycle the hardcopy.

3) Delete automatic back-up files. Many programs create backup copies of your documents automatically, and these double the disk space usage. Search for .BAK or .BKP files and delete them periodically.

4) Unused software programs waste hard-drive space. Delete the programs that you no longer use. If you're running Windows programs, you may find it more efficient to use one of the "uninstall" programs that are available, in order to ferret out all of the files associated with a given program.

5) Clear out your hard-drive by archiving old files to diskettes. Make sure you label the diskettes, or you will have created another informational black-hole that will sabotage you organization system.

6) Handle a piece of paper once. Don't set papers aside. Make the decision now, if it must wait use a "tickler file." Ticklers only work, however, when checked daily for suspense items.

7) Sort mail with your wastebasket at your side. Don't let the junk mail monster eat your valuable time.

8) Take notes on note-pads, not scraps. Full sheets of paper hold more information and can be filed with less risk of loss.

9) File all equipment manuals and instructions in one place. Write the serial numbers for your software programs inside the cover of the user's manual, and the rolodex card with the support line phone number.

10) Use only one calendar! Mark all appointments in pencil.

11) Avoid labeling files as Miscellaneous, Information, or Pending. These are vacuums that the business universe will fill.

12) Schedule time daily to read. Thirty minutes a day should keep you current with the never-ending stream of information that flows through your office. The Green Sheet is designed for easy use and in such a way as to be read in 20 minutes, twice a month.

Once you've imposed order on the chaos of your life, you will be more efficient. By staying organized you can devote more time to selling and less time to finding things.

Good Selling!SM

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