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Pop Quiz Time!

Test your sales knowledge by answering the following questions.

  1. Sales is:

    a) A necessary evil
    b) A profession
    c) Just something to pass the time
    d) A great way to make some money until you find a real career

  2. When you are done with your sales presentation you should:

    a) Run out the door as fast as you can
    b) Ask for the sale
    c) Make fun of the merchant's attire
    d) Quietly sit and stare at the merchant

  3. When a prospect tells you "No" you should:

    a) Take it personally and hurl insults at him
    b) Ask her what her objections are
    c) Run out the door as fast as you can
    d) Sulk-perhaps even cry

  4. When trying to get past the screener you should:

    a) Yell and scream
    b) Treat him or her with respect
    c) Make threatening gestures
    d) Give up immediately and run out the door as fast as you can

  5. When you are using the phone and you get voicemail you should:

    a) Hang up-they'll never call you back anyway
    b) Leave a brief message-make sure to speak slowly and include your name and phone number
    c) Leave as long a message as possible
    d) Just breathe heavily and make them guess who called

  6. While making your presentation be sure to:

    a) Put down your competitors often
    b) Listen to the merchant
    c) Never ask the merchant any questions
    d) Walk away without asking for the sale

  7. When getting ready to make a presentation to a new merchant you should:

    a) Relax and do no prep work
    b) Do some research and learn about your merchant's company
    c) Make it all up as you go along
    d) Run a thorough background check on the prospect

  8. Customer service is:

    a) Just the latest catch phrase
    b) An important part of the whole sales process
    c) Someone else's problem
    d) Great when you can get it

If you answered anything but "b" to all of the above, we would like to recommend that you sit down and read or reread "Good Selling! 2."

If you have not received your copy, send an e-mail to Each of our subscribers receives a copy of this book, an essential tool in a successful sales career.

Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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