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A Thing New Businesses Are Gold Mines

New Businesses Are Gold Mines

M any ISOs are purchasing new business lists, and some actually have focused their sales efforts on new business clients. (It also might be important to note that at least five major organizations have made this segment the prime target for their organization.)

It should not surprise us that, with more than 8 million people out of work in the U.S., some of them must find some way to make money independent from the role of "employee." Currently in the United States, 10.2 million people, or about one out of every 12 in the work force, have started their own business. But the statistics also show that at least 65 percent of all new businesses fail within their first five years of operation.

Now before I depress you, since as an Independent Sales Professional you own your own business, let us look at some of the good news. First, regardless of how high the business failures actually may be - and some argue that the above number is actually worse - they do provide a steady supply of new prospects who will need bankcard and check services and point-of-sale equipment.

This is only part of the good news, however. Only 25 percent of businesses fail in any given year, which means that in any given year they have a 75 percent chance of success. And, of course, the longer you survive, the greater the odds of survival.





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