After years of discussions and planning, it looks like the faster payments landscape is starting to emerge, and the necessary components to make real-time payments a reality are coming together at last. How and why this is happening is the topic of this issue's lead article. While much of the banking industry has been focused on two faster payments initiatives, RTP and Zelle, these are not the only schemes at play. Even the card brands are eyeing a piece of the pie.
Being able to offer faster payment options to merchants will be a feather in the cap of the industry's feet on the street. Another promising offering detailed herein by an industry expert is business intelligence software, which can increase merchant stickiness by enabling merchants to easily extract and use information that goes beyond basic transaction data. Merchants can learn exactly how they stack up against their competitors; what their revenue trends look like; when their best sales periods are, which areas need more support and more.
Business intelligence software is a value-added service, and other contributing writers shared further insights on that and other topics, including why it's important to provide a variety of products and services to merchants; how another value-added service, fully automated merchant financing, can help ISOs and smaller processors complete with the Goliaths of financial services; what to look for (and avoid) when choosing an ISO partner, one of the most critical career decisions a payment professional makes; as well as the benefits of attending industry tradeshows that go beyond the presentations, exhibits and meetings.
Excerpts from news stories posted under Breaking Industry News at include former Heartland CEO Robert O. Carr's approximate $250,000 settlement with the SEC for alleged insider trading; the recent Broker Fair's emphasis on innovation and aligned interests; details revealed about the phishing behind a 2018 Amazon hack; the ETA's emphasis on education; and First Data and its Clover platform division's launch of CloverAchievers, a program designed to reward qualifying small and midsize merchants.
Also inside are company and profile profiles, along with briefs on milestones, including new partnerships, awards, acquisitions, research and appointments. We love hearing from you, our readers, and enjoy helping to strengthen your connections and further your professional development. If you have news to share, please send a press release to And send us your suggestions, questions and other helpful feedback to
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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