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The Green Sheet Online Edition

December 27, 2010 • Issue 10:12:02

Trade Association News

NEAA Winter Seminar heralds new tradeshow year

#dcf_The Northeast Acquirers Association's Winter Seminar and Outing, scheduled for Jan. 25 through 27, 2011, at the Grand Summit Hotel in Mount Snow, Vt., promises a blend of educational offerings, networking opportunities and recreational activities.

Approximately 400 are expected to attend the conference, according to Jacques Breton, Treasurer for the NEAA, if past attendance is any indication.

"I did some serious networking and had plenty of time to visit vendors," said an attendee about the NEAA's 2010 winter seminar. "I would rate the Seminar a 10 overall. As a first timer who's been in the business for quite a few years, this was an excellent way to get my batteries recharged."

The 2011 conference will get under way Tues., Jan. 25 with an afternoon workshop on the new Internal Rev-enue Service tax compliance requirements led by Paula D. Porpilia of TIN Compliance Consultants. The workshop will cover new reporting and withholding rules for the acquiring community under the new tax code section 6050W.

Tuesday will also feature an opening cocktail reception at 5 p.m. and a poker party later in the evening sponsored by United Bank Card, with the proceeds going to charity.

Colleagues, experts, vendors and more

Wed., Jan. 26, will offer seminars with industry experts from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Topics will include the changing legal climate for payment processing, dispelling myths about alternative payments, opportunities in health care and other vertical markets, what to look for in an MLS contract, among others.

Attendees can view exhibitor tables showcasing the latest products and services during lunch and again during a vendor fair from 5:30 to 8 p.m. The day will be capped by food, drinks, games, karaoke and dancing at a sports bar called the Snow Barn starting at 9 p.m., a gathering sponsored by Electronic Merchant Systems.

On the final day, Thurs., Jan. 27, a variety of recreational activities will be available, including skiing (with a free one-day lift ticket provided) or snowmobiling (for $75), or other activities "on your own," such as tubing, shopping, and spa treatments (for those who prefer to relax in a warmer environment).

Registrations received by Jan. 14 for the conference are free to financial institutions, ISOs or individuals that "primarily sell acquiring-related services directly to the retail industry."

After that date, attendees fitting this description pay $150. Anyone else wanting to attend (who doesn't meet this NEAA definition) pays a registration fee of $200.

Breton pointed out that a merchant level salesperson or small ISO "that comes to our show can participate and pretty much not take any money out of their pocket. The intent is to provide an economical forum ... on hot subjects and topics, while at the same time making sure that everyone has an opportunity to network."

To register for the event, visit the NEAA website at www.northeastacquirers.com. end of article

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