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The Green Sheet Online Edition

December 08, 2008 • Issue 08:12:01

10 ways to prevent credit card loss

By Gino Kauzlarich

To ensure no fraudsters take a bite out of holiday profits, here is a handy checklist to give to your merchant customers. It contains 10 things to watch for to spot potential fraud at the POS:

  1. Embossed numbers on the card aren't straight or are badly spaced.

  2. Touch-up paint has been applied to the front of the card.

  3. Signature space on the back of the card has been tampered with.

  4. Letters or numbers on the card appear to be altered.

  5. Embossed numbers don't match numbers printed on transaction receipt.

  6. Consumer takes extra effort signing the receipt, which may indicate forgery.

  7. Customer appears nervous or hurried.

  8. Shopper arrives at closing time and tries to rush the purchase.

  9. Merchant asks for photo identification; customer claims to have left it at home.

  10. Consumer pulls a credit card from a pocket, not a wallet.
end of article

Gino Kauzlarich is Chief Executive Officer of MerchantService.com, which provides transaction processing for merchants. The company places a strong emphasis on increasing merchant profitability through lower rates or other tools. The firm also provides ATMs, surveillance equipment to halt theft and other merchant services. For more information, please e-mail info@merchantservice.com or call 888-288-3816.

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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