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The Green Sheet Online Edition

January 22, 2024 • Issue 24:01:02


What if listing goals for 2024 isn't your thing?

Many people enjoy the tradition of setting resolutions or goals at the start of each new year. And it's common knowledge that people who write down their goals are more likely to reach them than those who don't. But what if the process has grown stale and doesn't lead to a lift in your energy and spirit? If so, it could be you just need to give your usual process a rest and switch things up a bit.

Here are six ways you can freshen your approach to living your best life in the coming year to go:

  1. Choose a theme word: Instead of devising resolutions, pick one word that represents how you want to feel or what you want to focus on in the coming year. It could be "growth," "innovation" or "joy," for example. Then post this word in a prominent place at home and in your office so you will keep it in mind throughout the year.
  2. Create a vision board: You've probably heard of vision boards. Oprah Winfrey, Katy Perry, Steve Harvey and Ellen DeGeneres are among the celebrities who use them, and many folks who are visually oriented swear by them. Gather images, quotes and symbols that represent your aspirations and pin or paste them to a board. Then, like a theme word, display the board where you can see it daily and be reminded of your intentions and dreams.
  3. Gratitude journaling: Some people use gratitude journaling alone or in tandem with vision boards. Imagine how satisfied you might be if you focused on gratitude for an entire year. Something as simple as writing down one thing you're grateful for each day can enhance your positive mindset, and isn't a positive mindset integral to shaping the life you want?
  4. Set monthly challenges: Designate each month to a different challenge or skill you want to develop. For example, does your company need a stronger presence on social media? Learning all you can about social media management could be your focus for an entire month. The next month, maybe physical fitness could be top of mind for you and your staff. Switching the focus each month can keep things fresh and stimulating.
  5. Create a one-year bucket list: Instead of listing resolutions or goals, make a list of experiences or adventures you want to have this year. These can be big or small, personal or business. They can be huge, like taking a long-postponed trip to meet colleagues abroad, or small, like treating your friends to lunch at a restaurant you haven't tried yet.
  6. Learn something new every day: This will keep you mentally sharp, and the better your mind functions, the more easily you'll spot and follow up on opportunities. So learn something new each day—perhaps a new word or skill, or a fact about life a century or more ago.

I hope this list gives you ideas for how to create the year of your dreams in 2024. end of article

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