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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

November 13, 2023 • Issue 23:11:01

Readers Speak: Making optimal financial decisions

We wish to thank financial gurus Victor Haghani and James White, co-authors of The Missing Billionaires: A Guide to Better Financial Decisions, who have heard from a number of payments and fintech professionals who are interested in wealth building. Here's what they had to say about their new book. Their remarks are edited slightly for brevity:

"In a world teeming with immense wealth, why is it that not a single U.S. billionaire heir from centuries-old fortunes graces the ranks of today's rich lists?" they wrote. "Unravel the secrets behind this puzzling phenomenon with our recently released bestseller. The Missing Billionaires delves deep into the heart of a critical mistake plaguing countless investors: poor risk decisions in both investing and spending. With a blend of academic insights and practical wisdom, this book bridges the gap between personal finance and scholarly literature, making it accessible to all readers."

Describing the book's contents, they mentioned that part one establishes the theory of optimal investment sizing, starting with the concept of betting on biased coins. Part two covers lifetime financial decision-making, integrating investment, saving and spending choices. In part three, readers gain knowledge on calibrating personal risk-aversion levels and estimating returns and risks across a broad range of investments. Finally, part four offers an array of puzzles that encourage readers to apply the concept of utility to their problem-solving and decision-making.

"Drawing from our experiences as arbitrage traders at such institutions as Salomon Brothers, LTCM, Nationsbank/CRT, and Citadel, we provide case studies and anecdotes, as well as a bonus chapter on Liar's Poker," they noted. "Whether you are a young individual building your wealth, an entrepreneur heavily invested in your own business, or at a stage where your primary focus is investing and spending, we believe The Missing Billionaires will equip you with a comprehensive, practical framework for making sound financial choices."

Go-to wealth management resources

After working hard to grow and maintain your merchant portfolio, what resources do you rely on to ensure you invest your residuals wisely for business building and for accumulating financial assets to support your chosen lifestyle? Please fill us in at greensheet@greensheet.com. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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