By Elie Y. Katz
National Retail Solutions
Today, almost anyone can learn the trades of merchant service providers (MSPs), independent software vendors (ISVs), and independent sales organizations (ISOs). And with proper research, store owners can find technological solutions to advance their businesses. Consequently, unlike when they had only cumbersome AIO POS terminals, retailers can easily research trendy credit card machines and retrofit iPad or Android devices to optimize their transactions.
Now that such tools can be conveniently acquired and implemented by anyone with minimal help, many business owners are purchasing POS systems compatible with credit card readers to take customer payments seamlessly. That's why many POS systems now accept EBT, EMV, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc. The ways businesses handle everyday transactions is evolving rapidly.
There's been a paradigm shift toward transparency in recent years, especially in the fintech industry. One would be hard-pressed to find business ideas not being openly shared, known and competed around. The fintech industry has plenty of technology providers, with many credit card processing companies competing heavily for retail customers.
The actual trends are not about who renders the hottest products and services, but rather who offers retailers the most ethically organized, conscientiously clean and productive solutions. Payment acceptance companies must comply with PCI Security Standards Council requirements encompassing compliant hardware, a secure network with a firewall, antivirus software and authentication data.
With the internet at everyone's disposal, it's inevitable merchants will stay updated about the latest gadgets. Coincidentally, technology providers are shifting toward silent partnerships. The path of virtue dictates that fintech providers help their clients do what they initially set out to do, which is good business without the complicated stress and overhead costs that can form around it—that is, setting up the technology to work and keep working for them in the long-run.
Successful MSPs cannot rely solely on technology trends to sell their products and services; they need to be a part of the retailer's growth to help them excel in what they do best. Technology can seem overwhelming to a busy brick-and-mortar retailer. Companies providing high-tech solutions also need to consider retailers' pain points. A busy store owner has little time or availability to read user manuals, navigate complex user interfaces, and learn about less-than-obvious technological features. So it's important for technology providers to keep their offerings extremely user-friendly and offer stellar customer support.
In the United States today, many mom-and-pop establishments are family-owned, and with the country's growing immigrant population, ethnic communities are growing and supporting their local stores, see So it's additionally valuable for technology providers to offer support in various languages.
While it's important to not rely only on trends, it's also important to know which ones are trending now. Following are several technologies gaining traction in 2023.
Most Americans also believe the trajectory to be shifting toward smartphone payment. According to the vice president of Harris Poll and Public Relations, "The biggest news for retailers is that most Americans believe this is coming. Granted, not overnight or this year, but it's not the distant future either." Remember, this does not eliminate the need to process cards or cash. Still, as technology continues to evolve, younger generations will likely adopt mobile as their primary form of transaction.
Personal kiosks became the preferred method of payment during the Covid-19 pandemic. These self-service kiosks also allow customers to leave tips without carrying cash. An increase in customer satisfaction typically follows allowing customers to browse, order and pay for products without prolonged interaction.
While useful trends are here to stay for the long run, MSPs, ISVs and ISOs can refine them with the goal of helping merchants differentiate the trends that are fads from the ones that are here to stay, and helping merchants capitalize on the good ones.
Elie Y. Katz is founder, president and CEO at National Retail Solutions (NRS), Contact him by phone at 201-715-5179 or by email at
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