New Year's resolutions typically focus on getting physically healthy. It could be cutting down on processed foods and increasing fresh veggies in the diet, or perhaps ditching that cigarette habit for good. But these resolutions have a way of being quickly forgotten, oh, right about now in the calendar year.
So here's an approach that might make resolutions more "sticky": link personal resolutions to the health of your business. How many people make that connection? But the fact is that one's physical health is related to the state of one's business.
For example, if your office environment is a mess, with boxes of files lying around, is that not a symptom of disorder in the collective mind of management? Doesn't that disorder contribute increased stress in the office, which takes a toll on the body?
If the wellness of a business and the health of its owners and workers are interrelated, it follows that becoming physically healthier will have a positive effect on the business, as well. It also makes sense that if, for example, a business owner's new exercise regimen results in improved processes at work, then seeing those improvements will help motivate the owner to continue exercising.
Here are a few other examples of how physical well - being can translate into improved business health:
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