Sharing knowledge with colleagues in-house is what keeps businesses strong. Communicating expertise via open forums, such as LinkedIn groups or blog sites, is also important for the industry as a whole.
But being available to publications and associations as the go-to expert can give your business additional industry cache and set you apart from the competition.
Professionals who sit on advisory boards are the trusted, respected experts in their chosen fields. They are the people colleagues turn to for advice and guidance. It is natural for them to assume a similar position in the industry as a whole and help shape opinions that lead the industry forward.
In return, these individuals, and their respective organizations, raise their industry prominence and standing. An advisory board membership isn't merely an advertisement proclaiming your value, but a kind of seal of approval that you exhibit a high degree of experience and trust.
By association, your company is afforded a similar status since your professionalism, as a company leader, reflects favorably on your entire company.
By serving on an advisory board or two, you will also be called more frequently to render opinions on important industry topics.
For example, when issues arise in payments The Green Sheet turns to its advisory board for subject matter expertise. In turn, board members' commentary not only helps educate the industry but also provides free publicity for their organizations as well.
Beyond just being good for business, advisory boards are ideal vehicles for getting things done. Instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining about problems in the industry, joining advisory boards enables you to have an impact on current events in payments.
In exchange for giving up a little of your valuable time, advisory board memberships accrue like residuals - recurring and exponential.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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