Road to recovery goes through Atlanta
#dch_The Southeast Acquirers Association is hosting its 2010 annual conference from March 22 to 23 at the Sheraton Hotel in Atlanta. This year's theme is The Road to Recovery. "We chose The Road to Recovery as a theme because we know that 2009 was a rough year for a lot of folks, and the best way to take on that challenge is to simply go headstrong into it," said John McCormick, Vice President of General Credit Forms Inc. and an SEAA board member.
"We want folks to come to SEAA and embrace learning about some of the new products and services this year. You can't ignore that the merchants who are still here and still thriving are going to want newer, better and more advanced products and services."
To open this year's conference, Mark Dunn of Field Guide Enterprises LLC will conduct his Field Guide Seminar from noon to five on Mon., March 22. Topics will include:
"Mark not only presents a broad range of new ways to make money, but he offers a little bit of sales training along with new motivational techniques," McCormick said. "And I think that's what keeps the Field Guide going and keeps people coming back."
A reception will follow on Monday evening. "Sheraton Atlanta has a great pool area that has a removable roof like a dome, so rain or shine we're going to have our reception poolside," McCormick said. "And the exhibit hall will be closed on the first night this year in order to keep it very casual so attendees can focus on social networking."
On Tuesday, the conference will include panel discussions and seminars on such topics as funding your ISO through outside investors or self-funding, understanding residual reports, and remote key injections. Details on additional workshops will be finalized soon and will be updated on the association's Web site.
The SEAA's keynote speaker this year is Dan Cathy, President and Chief Operating Officer of Chick-fil-A Properties Inc.
"When Chick-fil-A started up, they had so much competition from that segment of the fast-food market, but they've since built up a multibillion dollar company," McCormick said. "Cathy is going to speak on what he considers the three keys to building a company: first and foremost you have a great product, secondly you invest in great people and place a priority on upfront training, and last but not least you take care of your customer."
The cost for this year's SEAA is $50 per attendee. "What we want is to make it cost-effective for anyone to attend," McCormick said. "And what I really hope is that people come away reinvigorated to get out and sell.
"Hopefully folks will come to this show, get a bit of motivation and learn a couple of new things. They might even see one or two new products they can take out into their sales pitch. And we'd love to see everyone have a strong second quarter because they got fired up at our show."
For registration information, visit lifting women through LINCs
#dch_In a continuing effort to increase membership, Women Networking in Electronic Transactions ( has established Local Interest Networking Circles (LINCs). At regional meetings, these groups bring the energy and excitement of's national networking and educational meetings closer to its members.
Founded in 2005, empowers women in the electronic transactions industry to maximize their individual potential and position themselves for greater personal success. meetings provide inspiration, as well as networking opportunities with established industry leaders and newcomers alike.
On Jan. 28, 2010, more than 30 women gathered at Visa Inc. headquarters in Foster City, Calif., for the Northern California region's second LINC meeting.
A panel discussion was moderated by Rita Hovakimian, business coach, consultant and leadership development specialist with Inspiring Success ( The discussion centered on career development for women in the payments industry.
Panel members included Linda Perry, a consultant with ISTS Worldwide, Cathy Basch, head of Global Systems Engineering for Visa USA, and Linda Grimm, Director of U.S. Operations for Moneris Solutions.
Panelists shared stories of how they achieved their successes. While each of these women have traveled very different paths through their careers, they share many common themes; each stressed the importance of networking, for example.
Hovakimian pointed out that each panelist has a positive attitude, which is an essential attribute for moving a career forward or finding a new path.
She also invited participants, members and potential members to join her in a teleclass titled "Be Successful, Be Powerful, By Being Who You Are" on Feb. 26, 2010, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. For more information and registration details, please e-mail Rita Hovakimian at
After the panel discussion, women from all walks of the payments industry networked together, sharing stories, seeking and offering advice, and developing strong contacts in the industry.
Linda Perry, a founding member of, said, "The LINC meetings allow to reach out to people who don't travel to the ETA. We strive to have very professional speakers and deliver education and information.
"We also get to meet each other. Don't be shy; introduce yourself to each other. If you are not afraid to open up to people, you will find a network of wonderful women."
The next event for Northern California is scheduled for Thurs., May 20, 2010, from 3 to 5 p.m. in Walnut Creek, Calif. This meeting will be hosted by Wells Fargo & Co. Anyone interested in participating may register at
Additionally, in conjunction with the ETA Annual Meeting & Expo, is hosting a Super LINC event during the afternoon of Tues., April 13, 2010, at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.
For information on how to join or to register for a LINC meeting near you, visit or e-mail
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