A reader sent the following e-mail to Jason Felts, who has been the author of Street SmartsSM since April 2008:
I just read your Street Smarts article on GS Online; I really enjoyed the information. I am new to the payment card industry and was wondering if you could direct me to other readings that would be helpful in understanding how to be a successful merchant level salesperson.
I am specifically looking for books that explain how to price merchants correctly or on how to sign up and handle certain markets (like doctor offices or lawyer offices, et cetera). Thank you in advance for your time, Jason.
Brian Rossetti
Bluestone Payments
Here is Jason's response:
Welcome to the industry, Brian! I'm not sure if you are aware but the Street Smarts articles are archived on The Green Sheet's Web site. Reading them would provide you a wealth of information: www.greensheet.com/gs_publications.php?flag=street_smarts. Also, Paul H. Green, The Green Sheet Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer, has written two books, Good Selling!SM and Good Selling!SM 2. I am also referring you to The Green Sheet for further suggestions.
If I can ever help you directly, please let me know.
Jason Felts
Advanced Merchant Services
Paul Green's books are available in PDF format. To download them, please visit our Web site's book review page: http://www.greensheet.com/gs_publications.php?flag=book_reviews. Other helpful books are also listed on that page. In addition, you can use Fast Finder on our home page to search issues of The Green Sheet for key words. The search function will list all archived articles that contain the exact phrase you have entered in the search field. You might try entering "doctor," "lawyer," "professional office," or even "vertical market" to find specific information on pursuing medical and legal professionals.
Attending industry events is also an essential part of a merchant level salesperson's education. They offer workshops, presentations and panel discussions on important happenings in the payments industry and on aspects of building a solid business in the industry. These meetings also include networking opportunities galore with professionals willing to share their knowledge.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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