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        Machine learning can safeguard global payments          When it comes to CNP transactions, honest players around
                                                                the globe – genuine consumers, merchants, processors and
                 ince the introduction of EMV, fraudsters have   financial institutions – want two things: speed and secu-
                 focused on card-not-present (CNP) transac-     rity. If an imbalance exists on either end of the spectrum,
                 tions. A February 2018 study by Javelin revealed   the  entire  transaction  is jeopardized, resulting  in  a lost
        S fraudulent transactions are 81 percent more           sale to the merchant and frustrated consumer. Existing
        likely to occur online than at the POS. This is likely   fraud models capture patterns and create alerts that sig-
        attributable to the rise in online merchants and the rise of   nal transactions that could be fraudulent. The challenge
        digital transactions. As, globally, we migrate to shopping   behind these indicators is that they sometimes miss new
        online more frequently, fraudsters continue to find ways   fraud because they are not self-taught. Machine learning
        to exploit loopholes in transactions. This is where machine   solves for this challenge, by understanding the customer
        learning moves from a buzz word into practice.          at each individual touchpoint and constantly addressing
                                                                new fraud patterns. This helps eliminate false positives,
        Machine learning models can use the dollar amount of the   ensuring the right transactions do go through, and rec-
        transaction, the location and device from which a transac-  ognizes new fraud attacks as they occur. This delivers a
        tion is made, along with hundreds of other data points –   risk- and friction-free experience and is the only way both
        all in real time – and establish patterns in a consumer's be-  parties can be satisfied. The increasing reliance on speed
        havior. Each time a purchase is made, the machine learn-  and security leaves global payments vulnerable to fraud.
        ing model compares the most recent transaction char-    Machine learning provides that extra layer of protection.
        acteristics to the historical profile to determine, within                                        Dave Excell
        milliseconds, if the transaction is legitimate or suspicious.          Co-founder and CTO of Featurespace Ltd.
        This ensures that the highest level of security is provided,
        mitigating risk, eliminating friction and allowing more   Have insights to share?
        genuine transactions to be processed.                   Many thanks to Dave Excell for sharing his expertise
                                                                here. We will welcome your helpful perspectives at

                                                                             What you see isn’t

                                                                     always what you get.

                                                                                 Transparency builds better

                                                                                relationships, and you can’t
                                                                              expect to grow your business

                                                                         with anything less. We believe in
                                                                           ownership through partnership.

                                                                          Created by ISOs. Owned by ISOs. Serving ISOs.

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