By Max Sinovoi
Let's go back in time—way back to the old Tranz 330 days. The VeriFone Tranz 330 was an extremely popular, dare I write, iconic credit card terminal that was introduced in 1985 and in the marketplace mostly through the mid 2000s.
When I came on the scene back in the 1990s and worked for VeriFone (now Verifone), I heard many stories about the 330. It was known for being so durable I had an agent tell me one time they threw it off a second floor landing and it still worked!
While Tranz was no doubt durable and much loved, when you think about it now, it was so basic. It allowed merchants who had never accepted credit cards to accept this new form of payment, so it was transformative for them. But by today's standards, I think we can all agree, not too special. No offense Tranz 330.
Just like the merchants who were excited about this whole new world opening for them back in the '90s, merchants today still have that same type of excitement, but now it's largely because of specialty software. Payments software was a game-changer for business; however, for a long time, businesses had to adapt to the software. At one point, the terminals or the payments didn't integrate with the software.
Today, specialty software allows the software to adapt to a business's needs with the control in the hands of the merchant, not the software.
In the ever-evolving landscape of fintech in 2024, specialized software plays a pivotal role in driving innovation, efficiency and competitiveness within the industry. It empowers merchants with innovative solutions that make their businesses run more efficiently, more profitably and gives their customers the very best experience.
Here are some key aspects of specialized software:
Max Sinovoi has been in fintech for over 30 years and today is the CRO of Hubwallet, which combines processing and the company's best-in-class specialty software named Hubwallet Appointments for any merchant taking appointments online. For more information about Hubwallet Appointments, Max can be reached at
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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