Product: Tribe technology suite
Company: Tribe Payments
Tribe Payments, a team of industry experts, enhanced its technology platform to help merchant acquirers and payment card issuers push the boundaries of what's possible with advanced, modular technology, stated Lynda Strutton, chief operating officer of Tribe. "Our customers can choose from more than 250 APIs and customize them in full compliance with industry and regulatory requirements, reducing onboarding and service implementation times by weeks," she said, adding that what really sets the company apart is its curiosity, which has driven team members to evaluate and improve the entire transaction process end to end.
In an innovative alternative to the stagnant one-size-fits-all approach, Tribe created a modular technology platform designed to give banks and fintechs unique levels of customization and accelerated product and service development, Strutton explained.
Tribe representatives noted that the company's core processing platform facilitates seamless technical integrations between payment schemes, issuers, acquirers, BIN sponsors and merchants, with modular services including customizable issuer and acquirer processing, payment gateways, POS and SoftPOS, risk management, and 3DS authorization.
Tribe was one of the first European processors to offer solutions across the Atlantic, they noted, adding that this global connectivity can open opportunities and markets. Tribe's product suite and cloud-based API technology include the following examples:
Tribe further noted that these products fit into its wider suite of solutions for banks, fintechs and acquirers, including the company's white-label digital banking solution that combines front-end wallet capabilities for end users to manage cards, bank transfers and crypto payments with back-end functionality that supports banking services.
All Tribe's technology is built in-house and is continuously updated in response to ever changing market conditions and trends, the company pointed out, further noting that its versatile and modular technology is designed to simplify integration and speed time to market, which combined with bank-grade security and developer-driven APIs, will enable users to add key features to applications quickly and easily.
"Aside from the benefits of our tech solutions, central to Tribe's service offering is the fact that we remain completely invisible to the end-user," Strutton said. "Our clients have full ownership of the customer journey, while we provide support in the background."
Strutton emphasized that with the right partner, ISOs and merchant level salespeople (MLSs) can maximize sales and diversify revenue streams. Tribe offers a unique payment platform that can service both issuer and acquirer processing needs as well as value-added services, tailored products, tools and advice, she added.
Citing a recent Paysafe survey of more than 200 U.S. brick-and-mortar businesses that found new payment technology top of mind for 70 percent of respondents, Strutton said speed of service is a big want in the global marketplace, and 69 percent of businesses in the Paysafe survey wanted to reduce the time customers spend completing a purchase.
Tribe can help ISOs, MLSs, fintechs and financial institutions explore new technologies and products, provide guidance on continuous process improvement and unlock opportunities to help all partners grow and scale.
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