By Nick Cucci
Fluid Pay
Salespeople know there is no greater feeling in the world than making a sale. After all of that hard work and practice, it is always a comfort to know that your strategies work. Landing a sale feels terrific, but unfortunately, closing a sale isn't guaranteed.
Sometimes your prospective customers won't be interested in what you have to offer. Sometimes they voice objections that can throw you off. In this article, I am going to discuss sales objections—and what you can do to turn them around.
A sales objection is, as the name implies, an objection to a sale. Sales objections occur when someone says that they are not interested in your product or service and they articulate an actual reason why.
It does not feel good when a potential customer chooses not to follow through with a sale, but if you listen carefully, you will learn what led them to this decision. The fact that they are telling you why they are not interested isn't a setback—it's a learning opportunity.
Common sales objections include:
Sales can feel like a competitive sport, and in many ways, it is. Since this is true, it isn't a surprise that receiving an objection can feel like a personal loss. You want that sale, but now it feels like you will never get it. The truth? You can still make the sale—and learn from it. Following are practices that can help you overcome sales objections.
Practice active listening: Establishing relationships is one of the best ways to approach sales, and that means being a good listener. Active listening is a communication practice that helps you to go beyond the surface of someone's words to better understand their needs and preferences (see For a salesperson, there is no greater tool.
Using active listening when you receive an objection is crucial for turning it around. Before you can make the sale, you need to understand what their concerns are—really understand them. Take the time to listen to what they have to say and dive beneath the surface. The difference between this and not listening with your full attention and concern is something they can feel, and they will be more willing to listen to your offer when they feel heard.
Follow up to fully understand concerns: A common tactic when engaging in active listening is following up. You want to understand what your client is thinking, and that means you need to gather the right information. When they express their concerns to you, follow up with additional questions. If they say they aren't sure about your POS system, for example, ask them what specific concerns they have. The more you know, the more effectively you can navigate this sale.
Common follow-up questions include: What is your preferred price range? What about the product doesn't seem like the right fit? What can I do to help you better understand the benefits of this product or service? What can I do to help expedite the process or make it easier for you?
Don't ignore the problem: In sales, your entire job is focusing on the benefits that the product or service you are selling can bring (see This is good. It allows you to always keep your mind focused on the positive. Unfortunately, this good habit can be bad when you are facing an objection. If your customer doesn't feel like you are taking their concerns seriously, you are less likely to convince them that you have what they need. When you ignore them, a concern about credit card processing quickly turns into a concern about your intentions instead.
Find a solution that works: You listened to your customer and really heard their concerns. You took time to consider their problem and fully understand it. Now, it is time to use that information to meet their needs.
Taking the time to fully understand a customer's concerns should give you the information that you need to solve their problem. Remember, you are not just trying to make a sale—you are a trusted partner. Focus on using what you know to find a solution that works for everyone.
Common solutions include sending information in a simplified format that they can review on their own time; presenting alternative payment schedules or credit card processing options; providing more information on merchants and partners; offering a greater discount; including freebies that sweeten the deal; and altering your offerings to align with what competitors have promised.
Ask for feedback on solutions: After hearing out your client and presenting potential solutions, it is time to start listening again. For your client to feel heard, you will want to invite them to share their thoughts. Rather than assuming that you have solved the problem, ask them how your solutions feel for them and if these solutions are meeting their needs. Gathering customer feedback is a great way to improve your craft across the board (see
Modify solutions as needed: Everyone wants to feel heard, and people appreciate customer service that prioritizes their needs. Of course, that doesn't mean every solution you offer is going to be the perfect fit. To really land the sale, make changes to your solutions as necessary. Show your customer that you are willing to work with them and committed to making the sale. They will appreciate the effort and the exceptional care you are offering.
Sales objections are not always easy to deal with, but it does get easier. In the same way that you learned to make a sale with an enthusiastic customer, you can also learn to navigate hesitant customers. Objections are a part of sales, and you can learn to turn them around. Pay attention to what you learn from each new interaction, and make your own strategy to navigate similar objections in the future.
Salespeople are constantly criticized for being pushy, but good salespeople aren't pushy—they just know how to meet the needs of their customers. It can be disheartening to have a client reject your sales attempt, but every objection comes with a lesson to learn.
With each new rejection, you gain the skills you need to speak to clients who have those same concerns. As long as you keep practicing, you will have an unbeatable playbook and know how to close every sale, even when it isn't easy.
Nicholas Cucci is the co-founder and COO of Fluid Pay LLC. Cucci is also a graduate of Benedictine University and a member of the Advisory Board and Anti-Fraud Technology Committee for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, as a CFE himself. Fluid Pay is the ONLY 100 percent cloud-based Level 1 PCI Payment Gateway processing transactions anywhere in the world. Contact Nick at Benefits of crypto for the underbanked
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