It's clear disparity exists among merchants when it comes to awareness of and preparedness for the U.S. rollout of Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) technology at the POS. Some haven't a clue, while others have hardware and software installed and running smoothly, with negligible slowdown in checkout speed at their locations. And many fall between the two.
Disparity also exists among payment companies. While it's rare, indeed, to encounter a payment pro who's clueless about EMV, it isn't rare to see significant differences of opinion regarding the necessity for and effectiveness of EMV implementation in the United States. Many agree that the Oct. 1, 2015, liability shift was an important step toward securing payments here and have effectively gotten the bulk of their merchant customers on board with the technology.
Others feel EMV chip card acceptance is critical for some merchant sectors, but not for others; some believe not requiring PINs instead of signatures renders the solution ineffective; still others expect newer technology to take hold in the next couple of years that will render EMV moot. In this issue's lead article, members of The Green Sheet Advisory Board share their perspectives on and experiences with the EMV rollout.
Contributing writers have also written about the need for payment solutions to implement proper reconciliation and settlement processes, and discussed the autobiography of a long-time industry leader who has successfully weathered reversals in his career.
Other news and features cover the emerging "phablet" phenomenon, new data breach guidance from the PCI Security Standards Council; a growing interest among companies to forgo check payments in favor of electronic business-to-business payments; a breach of the corporate LoopPay network, which is distinct from Samsung Pay; the launch of Spare, an app that enables people to round up tabs to make charitable donations; and a Commodities Future Trading Commission action against Coinflip. This is in addition to the company profiles; new product stories; details on upcoming shows and events; and news of payment business milestones, awards, investments, certifications, disputes, product launches; partnerships; acquisitions, and appointments.
If you are celebrating a professional or business milestone, we'd love to help you spread the word here. And if you have payments issues, concerns or trends you'd like us to cover within these pages, please let us know at And remember to send your press releases to
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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