By Jeffrey Shavitz
Charge Card Systems Inc.
Having had the opportunity to work with thousands of entrepreneurial merchant level salespeople (MLSs) during my career, I am now being asked more frequently by our sales partners how they can grow their businesses.
It's a pretty simple question. However, the answer is incredibly complex and, unfortunately, there isn't one correct answer.
If you're new to the payments industry, you have chosen a fascinating field in which to be a sales professional. Education is important.
You must understand interchange, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, POS terminal types and so forth. But beyond that, how do you grow your merchant applications from a few deals per month to 20 per month and more?
In my opinion, a top performing MLS maxes out at writing and submitting between 20 and 30 deals per month. If you are doing more than this every month, I applaud you. However, MLSs can increase sales by having an office and replicating their individual production by developing a team and hiring sub-agents.
So what should you look for when hiring new agents to join your team? Following are three factors to consider.
We hire individuals from all walks of life. They come with a blank slate and are fully open to learning and following our methods. But the most important attributes they all share are their work ethic, desire to learn and fearlessness.
Below are ideas to keep in mind to establish a positive office culture that will lead to more sales and greater profits.
I am not na‹ve when I sign our agents' paychecks and realize that many of our MLSs earn what could be termed an "average" wage. However, we have superstars in our organization who earn real power-money, and it's because of their work ethic and their "fun" approach to the business.
By shifting your perspective to sharing information, you are no longer convincing merchants to buy from you; instead, you are impressing them with your industry knowledge and competence, which leads to trust. When you develop trust with a merchant, the entire selling process becomes much easier.
I said, "I respect your goal and I'm happy that we both understand your future goals." As an employer, do you truly know the goals of your employees? If not, set up a meeting and ask them - it's as simple as that.
Opening one's own office is not for everyone. Many of our sales partners are happy doing six to 12 deals per month, working a casual week and enjoying their quality of life. Conversely, I work with other MLSs and ISOs that strive for 100 deals per month and will not rest until their goals are achieved. If you are in the latter category, opening your own office might be the answer.
Growing your sales office is both exciting and challenging. The most important decision you will make is to clearly determine whether you want to continue as an independent salesperson, join forces with a partner, build a full-fledged sales office or do a combination of those options. Everyone is different. There is no right answer. Just make sure you have a focus and plan for whichever direction you choose to go.
Jeffrey Shavitz is one of the founders of Charge Card Systems Inc. He is also an active member of The Green Sheet Advisory Board and the First Data ISO Advisory Board. He can be reached at or 800-878-4100. For additional information on CCS, please visit or the company's corporate Web site at
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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