On Nov. 5, 2009, Women Networking in Electronic Transactions (W.net) held its first Northern California Local Interest Networking Circle (LINC) in Sacramento, Calif. The event, sponsored by POS Portal Inc. and TASQ Technology, was an intimate gathering of just under 20 women at Oshima Sushi, a Japanese bistro and bar.
The cocktail-hour LINC was coordinated by Julie Crouse, Vice President, Regional Sales at TASQ, and Audrey Blackmon, TASQ's Director of Client Relations. It provided an opportunity to relax in a convivial environment, have drinks and enjoy light Japanese fare. The one organized activity offered insight into the event's purpose. Crouse asked participants to line up in order by birth month and day - but without speaking or gesturing. Once all were in line, Crouse told participants they could now speak as they sought their proper places in line. Thus, an approximation of order swiftly became perfect. The point being that we must communicate with one another to get positive results; if we don't we are lost.
Throughout the evening, conversations were animated as women talked with ease about terminal sales and hair stylists in the same breath. They discussed professional challenges, shared industry knowledge, presented fresh ideas and offered mutual support.
Reflecting upon the LINC's benefits, Crouse said, "I believe W-net's Sacramento LINC is giving me the opportunity to create new alliances, which brings individual and collective value to our industry and makes all of us invaluable resources for our own company as well."
The next Northern California LINC will be Jan. 9, 2010, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Details will be posted at W.net's Web site, www.w-net.biz.
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