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Mercator’s Credit Card Management program aims to optimize profitability

Wednesday, July 08, 2020 — 13:20:30 (EDT)


Credit cards have long been recognized as the most profitable retail banking product in existence. But a number of forces—exogenous to the portfolio itself, or indeed part of the management of the portfolio—can impede that profitability. Mercator Advisory Group’s independent examination of our client’s operation will provide keen insights into how the credit card business runs and what might be done to make it more profitable and less risky. Some credit card issuers may leverage this methodology to hone portfolio performance, while others may find that a credit card operation is just not suitable for their business. Armed with our insights, our clients will understand how well their operation works as well as how profitable it can actually be.

Mercator Advisory Group’s Credit Card Management program provides a proven tool allowing portfolio managers to gauge issuer performance and make the changes necessary to optimize profitability. Our experience with financial institutions helps small and mid-market issuers level the playing field with large national issuers.

Mercator’s step-by-step process includes an independent view of operating metrics and how they fit into industry best practices, feedback on how the business strategy compares to industry best practices, and insights on the risk and opportunity in running the credit card business.

Some of the Many Benefits of this Program Include:

Better operating costs Improved revenue Predictable metrics Risk mitigation Clear and concise objectives Deliverables of the Program: Mercator will deliver our perspectives on the readiness for portfolio expansion, techniques to better exit the COVID-19 crisis, and a plan for continued success. The objective will be to transfer their skills to the executive management team so that the group can navigate the rapidly changing environment.

For more information, please call Mercator Advisory Group's main line: +1 (781) 419-1700, or send e-mail to info@mercatoradvisorygroup.com.

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About Mercator Advisory Group Mercator Advisory Group is the leading independent research and advisory services firm exclusively focused on the payments and banking industries. We deliver pragmatic and timely research and advice designed to help our clients uncover the most lucrative opportunities to maximize revenue growth and contain costs. Our clients range from the world's largest payment issuers, acquirers, processors, merchants and associations to leading technology providers and investors. Mercator Advisory Group is also the publisher of the online payments and banking news and information portal PaymentsJournal.com.

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information: bankcardlife.com?orid=33533&opid=1 .

Source: Company press release. end of article

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