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USAePay adds DemandVoice to payment solutions

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 — 13:47:12 (EST)

Glendale, Calif., Feb. 23, 2016 -- USAePay has partnered with DemandVoice to offer merchants a Certified Level 1 PCI compliant phone payment method. This partnership will integrate DemandVoice’s premier product, PayItByPhone™, which securely collects payments any time, on any phone, and in any language. “The USAePay integration is in full production powering PayItByPhone™ applications in Healthcare and Loan payment verticals. The feature rich gateway and expert development support has allowed us to meet or exceed all customer feature requirements…” shared Mark Rayburn, CEO of DemandVoice, “… one USAePay medical services merchant grew their income 20% by replacing their old, on-premise IVR with the cloud-based PayItByPhone™ service.” Rayburn continued, “Organizations that have added IVR as an additional payment method to their existing web payment systems have achieved even greater returns”.

DemandVoice is a hosted telephone application provider that brings the power and flexibility of web services to Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology. IVR is now empowered to do more than provide audio menus; DemandVoice’s telephony products access web services to automate common human/data interactions, bringing compliant and cost reducing solutions to numerous customer facing business scenarios.

The popularity of web and smartphone applications sometimes eclipses IVR in the media, but depending on the market, significant numbers of customers have been shown to prefer this method for paying bills. Merchants serving markets such as Healthcare, Utilities, Local Government, Loan payments, and Insurance, among others, have realized increased transactions and improved customer retention by offering IVR payment capabilities.

"USAePay always wants to provide their merchants with more options to receive payments. We’re delighted to add DemandVoice LLC to our list of solutions for our clients. DemandVoice’s PayItByPhone™ service is a secure, reliable, and automated way for customers to pay their bills using their credit card or ACH. PayItByPhone™ is not dependent on a data connection, instead working anywhere a phone is connected. We believe this creates a feature rich payment system for our merchant base. Using DemandVoice results in more paying customers due to their innovative PayItByPhone™ service.” - Vlad Galyuz, VP of Technology at USAePay

USAePay is an industry leading payment gateway offering channel friendly payment solutions based in Los Angeles, CA. USAePay takes pride in its high level security, making it a priority and ensuring transactions are processed securely. The industry leading payment gateway is one of the first to become Level-1 PCI Compliant, constantly developing ways to improve the service they offer to clients.

To find out how DemandVoice’s PayItByPhone makes it fast and easy for merchants to add phone payments, visit us at www.demandvoice.com or call 678.999.3949, press 1 for Sales. For more detailed information about integrating with USAePay’s secure payment gateway, visit usaepay.com .

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information: bankcardlife.com?orid=33533&opid=1 .

Source: Company press release. end of article

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