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The Strawhecker Group unveils new corporate branding

Thursday, March 26, 2015 — 17:46:13 (EDT)

Omaha, Neb., March 26, 2015 -- The Strawhecker Group (TSG), a management consulting company focused on the global payments industry, today unveiled new branding – Payments Experts. Powerful Data.

The new identity reflects TSG’s commitment to providing clients with unparalleled expertise built from the nearly 500 years of combined experience from its team of proven industry leaders. In addition, TSG built a market-leading database of payment card data on 2.7 million merchants in the U.S. Now, TSG can assist its clients utilizing both payments experts and powerful data.

“The database has really changed the game for us,” says Kurt Strawhecker, Managing Partner and Founder of TSG. “It gives us an edge over the competition in our existing markets by being able to use powerful, dynamic data to enhance our client offerings. The amount of dollar volume in our database is comparable to Walmart’s global sales.”

The Strawhecker Group, founded in 2006, was built from the ground floor by industry leaders Kurt Strawhecker and Jamie Savant. Approaching its ten year anniversary, TSG is comprised of 25 payments professionals with expertise in all facets of the industry. In addition, TSG has completed over 400 projects for more than 200 different clients in the past three years.

TSG has expanded its offerings to provide consulting to merchant acquirers, ISOs, issuers, the card brands, technology and mobile companies, VARs and ISVs, processors, global retail merchants, investment firms, as well as financial institutions.

TSG’s original branding - The Trusted Advisor to the Payments Industry - served the company well as it aided in the company’s growth into today’s premier provider of payments consulting.

“Being the trusted advisor is still one of our central pillars today,” says Jamie Savant, Partner and Co-Founder of TSG. “But, as the market has evolved, having access to real market data compliments the deep experience of our team, unlocking new possibilities for TSG and our clients.”

About TSG The Strawhecker Group (TSG) specializes in providing financial institutions, merchant acquirers, card brands, ISOs, processors, large merchants, and the investment community with advisory services to maximize their growth and profitability. TSG is also a resource for consumer spending data, research, benchmark studies, and trends. For more information please visit www.TheStrawGroup.com .

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information: bankcardlife.com?orid=33533&opid=1 .

Source: Company press release. end of article

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