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The Green Sheet Online Edition

November 26, 2018 • Issue 18:11:02

New Products

Cloud-based app prints receipts from mobile devices

Product: PassPRNT
Company: Star Micronics

Star Micronics, a provider of fixed and mobile POS solutions has updated the PassPRNT app, a print relay application designed to connect iOS and Android devices to Star printers. PassPRNT Version 2.20, with PassPRNT URL and mobile app, enable users to send print data from their devices to Star Micronics Bluetooth-enabled printers.

PassPRNT supports a range of Star Micronics' fixed and mobile, label and kitchen printers, including the SM-L200, SM-S230i, SM-T300i, SM-T400i, TSP650IIBTi, TSP700II BTi Label, TSP800II BTi, and mPOP. The app is simple to integrate; its proprietary scheme-based printing method supports FileMaker Go, native and web-based applications, the company stated.

Complementary technologies, SDKs

The Star Micronics PassPRNT application, available at Google Play and Apple iTunes stores, automatically toggles between host and PassPRNT apps, supporting "one-tap" requests from mobile devices to PassPRNT-enabled Star printers, company representatives stated. They noted "one-tap" request capability is a unique, time-saving advantage.

Star Micronics' expanded library of SDKs enables software developers to incorporate Star's receipt printing functionality into Android, iOS, iPad and iPhone devices. Additional web-based printing options include remote cloud printing, wireless cash drawer support, proximity-based printing and secure cash management.

Next-gen receipt functionality

The Star Micronics Cloud platform is designed to improve performance across the company's extended product family of legacy solutions and new devices. In addition to adding value to receipts, the cloud-based services also transform simple receipts into interactive methods of communication, providing merchants with new ways to connect and engage with customers, the company added.

Digital receipts have a tendency to outlast paper receipts because they can be easily integrated into accounting programs and digital records, which can expand the longevity and usage of a typical receipt. Instead of a static record of a transaction that lasts for a limited time, a digital receipt has the potential to become an ongoing conversation between customers and retailers, Star Micronics noted.

Following are examples of cloud-based technologies that Star Micronics has deployed at select retailers to make receipts more dynamic and interactive:

  • AllReceipts: This digital receipt application enables customers to manage receipts digitally, while retailers receive instant feedback on customer satisfaction.
  • Device management: Users can remotely monitor and manage Star products from anywhere.
  • Customer survey: Customers can voice opinion and satisfaction levels using a unique URL on a digital or printed receipt.
  • Engage now: Retailers can motivate customers to respond to targeted promotions without requiring them to share an email address.
  • Graphics capability: Merchants can enhance printer receipts by customizing fonts, adding graphics, logos and coupons, or use a text processing function to replace printed information or trigger automatic coupons.
  • Multiple receipt functionality: Star devices can be programmed to print multiple copies.

New receipt use cases

Star Micronics published an ebook in 2015 titled The Value of Receipts: Printed and Digital. It details ways in which digital technologies are transforming traditional paper-based and electronic receipts. While digital receipts may never replace older methods of recordkeeping, they can go a long way toward improving collection and storage, the authors stated.

"Recent years have seen the development of digital receipt management solutions that minimize such problems and make organizing and storing receipts far easier and more convenient for customers than ever before," the authors wrote. "Older solutions require an email address and a scanner to send the customer a digital version of a receipt. This can be both off-putting and expensive for customers."

The authors cited numerous use cases for receipts – including refunds, reimbursements, tax deductions and warranties – noting that whether the receipts merit short-term or long-term storage, they are critical to businesses and consumers.

Star Micronics said PassPRNT is well-timed for an increasingly mobile-first world, providing consumers and merchants with a secure way to print receipts directly from their mobile devices. end of article

Website: www.starmicronics.com Contact: sales@starmicronics.com

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