I have been unable to sign up a new account for the MLS Forum. I tried registering using my e-mail address. I received a message on the forum that said my e-mail address is already registered. I don't remember ever registering.
Please e-mail me back to let me know what I need to do, so I can register my e-mail address and access the forum.
Dave La Grande
We are sorry to learn you have had difficulty registering on GS Online's MLS Forum. It is possible you have, indeed, registered previously. It is also possible someone borrowed (with or without your knowledge) your e-mail address to register in your stead.
Please contact our Forum Gatekeeper, Kat Doherty, at kat@greensheet.com. She will be pleased to check into our database to find out exactly what happened, so you can begin to enjoy all the information, inspiration and networking the Forum has to offer.
Also, when signing up, please check to ensure you have filled in all the required fields in our registration form. We need to determine that all applicants are, indeed, ISOs and MLSs, and we get quite a few bloggers and other outsiders who want to crash the Forum for reasons not in keeping with its purpose. We wish to reserve the Forum for the lifeblood of the payments industry: the feet on the street.
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It is with sorrow that The Green Sheet reports the recent loss of Charles David Thompson Jr., founder of TermNet Merchant Services Inc. He passed away July 12, 2008, at age 45. Services were held July 17, 2008, at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Atlanta.
Thompson, a graduate of R.L. Turner High School in Dallas, attended the University of Florida. He founded Atlanta-based TermNet in 1983. The company serves all regions of the continental United States and offers a wide range of merchant and financial institution services.
Thompson is survived by his two sons, Justin D. Thompson and Steven J. Thompson; his father, Charles D. Thompson Sr.; sister, Lisa P. Thompson; and one grandchild.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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