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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

August 26, 2013 • Issue 13:08:02

Readers Speak

Are we in the loop?

I heard George Wallner came out of retirement to jump into a new venture, Loop. Since he founded Hypercom and was a pioneer in mag stripe POS systems, he knows better than most what will work in the marketplace. What can you tell me about Loop?

Jared Leeds
Merchant Level Salesperson


Since Loop aims to enable merchants to use already installed equipment to accept payments from consumers' mobile phones, this seems promising. However, research released in June 2013 by WorldPay indicated that the idea of making payments using biometric means (fingerprint, palm or iris scans) is more popular among consumers than paying with smartphones or contactless technology. Nobody knows yet which new technologies will gain traction. Loop sounds like a venture to watch, though.

Where do I send my news?

How do I submit a press release announcing a new service to your magazines?

Joe Thompson


Please write up your news in standard press release format, as a Microsoft Word attachment and/or pasted into the body of an email, and send it to press@greensheet.com.

We'll post it under News From the Wire on our home page as soon as possible. We draw from press releases for certain content in our semimonthly publication. However, given the number of press releases we receive, not all the news we post online makes it into our print and electronic magazines.


Corrections for Payment Logistics

In the print version of the Payment Logistics LLC company profile titled "Thriving ISO built for MLSs, merchants" and published in The Green Sheet, Aug. 12, 2013, issue 13:08:01, the company's Director of Independent Sales is given as Marc Bruno, instead of his correct name, Matt Bruno.

The wrong person was also listed as the ISO/MLS contact. Matt Bruno is the correct contact. His direct phone number is 888-472-9564, ext. 231.

The HTML and flipbook versions of the profile are correct. The Green Sheet regrets that we could not correct the errors before the issue went to print. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.

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