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Spotlight Innovators

        and change variables on the fly, such as dates and transaction types. The portal was also made fully responsive, meaning
        it is optimized for mobile viewing, making it easy for any merchant to check transaction detail, process a supply order, or
        accept a mail or telephone transaction conveniently from anywhere on a smartphone or tablet.

        “We were striving to create a go-to dashboard that merchants would not only feel comfortable using, but one that would
        also peak their curiosity like so many contemporary dashboard applications do,” explained Parkinson. “People love
        graphical data, and business owners are no exception, so we wanted to make the drudgery of the daily transaction more
        pleasant and user-friendly, ideally engaging the merchant further into their day-to-day payment analytics.”

        Payments Hub also has a full-featured reporting option, giving NAB merchants access to aggregated data reports. These
        reports can be categorized by unique transaction details, including but not limited to the specific card brand or payment
        type, as well as refunds and deposits. There is even a report that provides important tax-related detail.

        Other features of Payments Hub include an easy virtual terminal interface that is free to all existing and new NAB-
        affiliated merchants, an employee profile wizard that makes adding, deleting or changing user access rights and
        credentials a breeze, an invoicing feature, a supply ordering interface, dispute management features for handling pre-
                                   Spotlight Innovators
        arbitration and chargeback requests, a statement matching tool, and much more. NAB is committed to providing access to
        even more capabilities through Payments Hub, delivering a comprehensive solution to help merchants manage and grow
        their businesses.

        “We want to give our merchants all of the control and access they need to manage their accounts within a modern interface
        they are already familiar with,” Parkinson concluded, “The more comfortable our merchants are with the administrative
        tools we provide them, the more comfortable they will be managing their merchant accounts, and that validates their
        choice of payment service provider.”
        Give your merchants the latest and greatest  Spotlighting companies that promote
                                                    innovation in the payments industry
        If you’re interested in learning more about Payments Hub, or if you would like to offer your merchants the latest merchant
        and payment technologies through NAB, visit or call 877-223-6577.

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