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Spotlight Innovators

                                                                         eadquartered in Troy, Michigan, award-winning
                                                                         North  American Bancard is an industry leader
                                                                         in credit card processing, providing a variety of
                                                              H merchant services that help client companies of
                                                              all sizes develop solutions for payment processing, includ-
                                                              ing credit, debit, EBT, check conversion and guarantee, gift
                                                              & loyalty cards, and much more. As an MSP/ISO since 1992,
                                                              North American Bancard is dedicated to offering the high-
                                                              est service levels, exceptionally competitive pricing, and
                                                              the latest technology to its client companies, including Pay
                                                              Anywhere, its proprietary point-of-sale (POS) solution. With
                                                              over $34 billion worth of payments processed for more than
                                                              250,000 businesses every year, North American Bancard is
                                                              determined to help American business prosper. .
        What’s New:

        A ‘customer-first’ focus always wins

              f you’re a payments industry sales professional, you know a dedicated customer care team is one of the most vital
              ingredients to the overall merchant services package. Not only will this in-house team ensure each new payment
              solution is expertly installed and implemented into your merchant’s business environment, but having a great sup-
        I port team also ensures each client is properly taken care of throughout the relationship.
        Payments industry sales representatives also know that many processing providers do not keep their support program
        top-of-mind; let alone take steps to implement seamless and measurable customer-first practices. These companies often
        find out the hard way how their customer care program impacts the bottom line and long-term attrition rates.

        “If a company has a customer-first commitment, it is evident in everything they do, and will ultimately result in great
        retention,” said Justin Muntean, Senior Vice President of Sales at North American Bancard. “Regardless of how proficient
        a company is at selling, if their customer support team isn’t just as proficient, customers will have no reason to stay.”
        ‘Year of the Client’

        North American Bancard (NAB) recognizes the importance of backing up its sales and relationship management teams
        with a genuine customer-first mentality. In fact, in an effort to showcase this commitment, the company has deemed 2017
        the Year of the Client.

        While the trio of teams that make up NAB’s Customer Care program - Customer Service, Technical Support, and Mobile
        Support - have always been robust and hands on, this year’s concentrated focus to showcase the program, is in part,
        consciously reaffirming NAB’s ongoing commitment to the customer. Each process, from sales support to account
        activation to day-to-day client service, is getting due attention.And, in addition to reinforcing NAB’s ongoing customer-
        first promise, the newly-focused initiative is introducing several new support measures; all designed to review, highlight
        and up-the-ante on existing practices and ensure the company’s great support metrics can continue to improve.
        Activation! Activity! Top of Mind!

        These new measures include emphasis on a strong activation process. A dedicated welcome team has been designated to
        reach out to every single client at the onset of the support relationship and guide them through a smooth go live, ensuring
        the account gets up quickly and efficiently.

        NAB sales partners have also been incentivized with new account activation bonuses and have been provided with new,
        more efficient onboarding tools designed to assist them and their clients with more streamlined and convenient activation
        In addition, the company has launched an enhanced education program for sales partners. All sales partners receive
        intensive training that walks them through every step of the on boarding process, and offers tips on how to utilize NAB’s
        Agent Information Center and the Velocity Marketplace.

        And, it doesn’t stop here. A new, comprehensive webinar training series has been launched for NAB sales partners. Each
        sales partner is encouraged to move through NAB’s entire webinar training library, ensuring they are intimately familiar
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