For Veratad Technologies LLC, excellent timing and smart technologies have driven growth at a time when fraud and regulatory controls exert greater pressure on enterprises. Its age and identity solutions are deployed to protect retail, e-commerce, age-restricted commerce, financial service, education, healthcare, telecommunications and market research entities. Veratad is also the verification provider for the Entertainment Software Rating Board.
While strategic alliances and an early acquisition of technology have bolstered its market penetration in the past decade, Veratad remains a hands-on business. "We're still a small shop and our clients get special attention," said John E. Ahrens, Chief Executive Officer at Veratad. "We provide a lot of professional services both during and after integrations and my team always shares industry best practices when integrations get done."
Integrations might include Veratad's AgeMatch, which compares online visitor data entry against billions of records to prevent unauthorized online access to age-restricted products or content. In addition to verifying name, address, age and Social Security Number (SSN), its IDMatch solutions encompass knowledge-based authentication, with challenge questions to confirm identity. Veratad also offers document validation and out-of-band, two-factor authentication, with voice biometrics, to authorize payments in real time, the company noted.
A partnership with the GB Group has proven mutually beneficial. "We provide them with U.S. verification and they give us access to verification of individuals in over 170 countries worldwide," Ahrens said." We have access to over 2 billion citizens worldwide where we can verify and validate information with data, and if you add document validation of passports and drivers licenses to that, with our portfolio of providers we're pretty much a global age and identity provider at this time."
Within Veratad's suite is a solution created to protects sensitive customer information. The patented technology triangulates data, so given three elements such as a name, address and the sum of the first and last digits of an SSN – not the more commonly used last four digits, a known target for data thieves – individuals can be securely identified.
"We are very big on privacy," Ahrens said. "Of value to our end users is the fact that we don't collect and store data, we're not data aggregators. We're getting information from trusted and verified sources, not scraped or self-reported data. We don't use credit information either; we only use the credit header information."
For businesses and consumers, privacy protection is critical. "All we provide is that momentary seconds' access to the data and to validate it, and then it's gone," Ahrens said. "All we keep is a footprint for that transaction. We are primarily standing between our clients and the world of billions of non-public trusted and verified data sources."
A number of ISO partners have reseller arrangements with Veratad. According to Ahrens, ISOs typically either work jointly on integrations with clients or they allow Veratad to contract directly with end users, in which case ISOs then support the process.
"We do have some bigger ISO processors who have us integrated as a third party in what we call our gateway arrangements and those third parties can integrate our service to be delivered to their end users via the platform," Ahrens stated. "The API is very simple. Most of our integrations are done within a day or two." Once integrated, clients have online real-time web-based access through an online portal.
Whether merchants are boarding new customers or serving repeat customers online, Veratad aims to create a frictionless environment where the merchant knows the customer is who they say they are, Ahrens noted. Looking ahead, Veratad is developing a new platform clients can deploy to reduce the risk of fraud online when onboarding customers. And it plans to bring in mobile carrier data and device ID to further strengthen its value position globally.
Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
ISO/MLS contact:
Thomas Canfarotta
Director of Strategic Accounts & Client Quality Services
201-510-6000, Ext. 120
Company Profile originally appeared in
The Green Sheet Issue 170701
231102 - Merchant Advisory Services Inc
231002 - Wellesley Hills Financial
181201 - Network Merchants LLC
180902 - MainStream Merchant Services Inc.
180801 - Century Business Solutions
180502 - Priority Payment Systems Northeast
180501 - Merchant e-Solutions Inc.
180301 - Wirecard North America
171202 - Secure Cryptopayments
171002 - National Benefit Programs LLC
170902 - Frates Insurance & Risk Management
170901 - DCS Holdings Group LLC
170802 - Apogee Payment Systems LLC
170702 - Active Software & Hardware Systems
170701 - Veratad Technologies LLC
170502 - Frontline Processing Corp.
170501 - Platinum Choice Bancard LLC
161202 - International Bancard Corp.
161201 - CSR Professional Services Inc
161102 - Digitzs Solutions Inc.
161101 - Residual Sheriff LLC.
160801 - DigiPay: Solutions Inc
160702 -
151202 - Benseron Information Technologies Inc.
151201 - CardWare International Inc
151101 - Lion Capital Group LLC
150801 -
150702 - Vision Payment Solutions LLC
150601 - Conformance Technologies
150502 - Global Processing Systems
150402 - Mercantile Processing Inc.
150401 - Field Guide Enterprises
150302 - Signature Card Services
150301 - Premier Payment Systems Inc.
150201 - Humboldt Merchant Services
141102 - National Merchants Association
141001 - Instant Credit Manager
140902 - Merchant Cash and Capital LLC
140701 - National Transaction Corporation (NTC)
140601 - Total Merchant Services
140501 - Nationwide Payment Solutions
140501 - BPC Banking Technologies
140301 - Meritus Payment Solutions
131202 - First American Payment Systems L.P.
131102 - Evo Payments International LLC
131001 - Live Reps Call Center
130901 - Regal Payment Systems LLC
130901 - The Merchant Solutions
130802 - North American Bancard LLC
130801 - Payment Logistics LLC
130702 - Plug n Pay Technologies Inc.
130601 - U.S. Merchant Systems LLC
130402 - National Processing Co.
130202 - Charge Card Systems Inc.
130202 - Layered Technologies Inc.
121202 - American Microloan LLC
121102 - Keep in Touch Systems Inc.
121102 - Merchants Choice Payment Solutions
121002 - Washington Bancard Merchant Services LLC
120902 - Central Payment Co. LLC
120802 - Royal Merchant Holdings LLC
120801 - National Benefit Programs LLC
120602 - Cardinal Commerce Corp.
120601 - Veritrans Merchant Services LLC
120502 - ExecuTech Lease Group
120502 - The Small Business Authority
120402 - Chargeback Guardian Inc.
120401 - Electronic Payment Exchange
120301 - Complete Merchant Solutions LLC
120201 - CSR - Compliance Solutions and Resources
111002 - Lead Source Call Center
111001 - First Annapolis Consulting Inc.
110902 - Point of Sale System Services Inc.
110901 - Sage Payment Solutions
110801 - Century Payments Inc.
110702 - Creative Vision Studio LLC
110702 - Network Merchants Inc.
110701 - Capital Access Network Inc.
110602 - eProcessing Network LLC
110602 - Moneris Solutions Inc.
110502 - Paragon Application Systems Inc.
110401 - Merchant Implementation Services
101202 - CheckAlt Payment Solutions
101102 - Impact Payments Recruiting
101101 - Global Electronic Technology Inc.
101002 - TriSource Solutions LLC
100802 - Federated Payment Systems LLC
100801 - Voltage Security Inc.
100601 - NETSURION (formerly Vendor Safe Technologies)
100502 - Transaction Network Services Inc.
100402 - Secure Payment Systems Inc.
100401 - Elite Merchant Solutions
100302 - Retail Decisions Inc.
091201 - Performance Training Systems Bankcard Boot Camp
091101 - Merchant e-Solutions Inc.
091002 - Whitehall Capital Advisors LLC
090901 - CoCard Marketing Group LLC
090801 - First National Merchant Solutions
090701 - checXchange Money Transfer Systems Inc.
090601 - Sterling Payment Technologies
090502 - Infinity Payment Systems
090501 - Merchant Cash and Capital
090401 - UseMyBank Services Inc.
090401 - Data Delivery Services Inc.
090302 - Velocity Merchant Services
090302 - Metro Merchant Services
090301 - Smart Transaction Systems Inc.
090301 - DCC Merchant Services USA LLC
090202 - TransFirst Holdings Inc.
081202 - Affirmative Technologies Inc.
081201 - On-line Strategies Inc.
081101 - Vision Payment Solutions LLC
081002 - Veratad Technologies LLC
081001 - International Merchant Solutions LLC
080801 - GreenSoft Solutions Inc.
080702 - Smart Circle International
080601 - International Bancard Corp.
080502 - DRG Telemarketing Inc.
080501 - BCC Merchant Solutions
080402 - U.S. Merchant Systems
080401 - Greystone Business Resources Corp.
080302 - Transmedia Payment Services Ltd.
071202 - Barclay Square Leasing Inc.
071102 - FirstView Financial LLC
071001 - Sage Payment Solutions
070902 - YourTownMall Business
070901 - Nxgen Payment Services
070802 - All card Processing-AAMonte-USA
070801 - Money Movers of America Inc.
070602 - Central Point Resources Inc.
070601 - Positive Feedback Software LLC
070502 - Premier Payment Systems
070501 - Amacai Information Corp.