Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Rebekah Moody, director of fraud and identity at LexisNexis Risk Solutions, summarized findings as pandemic-fueled opportunism. “Fraudsters look for easy targets: whether government supported packages, new lines of credit or media companies with fewer barriers to entry,” she said. “We need to ensure that all consumers, especially those who might be new to digital, are protected.”
Moody recommended implementing multilayered security strategies to protect against what she described as “a full spectrum of possible attacks and evolving threats.” While overall attack volumes are down worldwide, the network has seen rising incidents of new account fraud and networked ecommerce fraud, particularly in the U.S. region, she noted.
Kimberly Sutherland, vice president of fraud and identity strategy at LexisNexis Risk Solutions, pointed out that the Digital Identity Network provides participating companies and individuals with shared global intelligence to all participants,
“In our recent True Cost of Fraud report, which surveyed retail and e-commerce merchants, respondents reported an overall increase in fraud attempts and confirmed fraud,” Sutherland said. “This is contrary to what the Digital Identity Network identified, with a 61% decline in the attack rate for U.S. e-commerce merchants.”
These data points suggest consumers, as well as enterprises, may benefit from LexisNexis Digital Identity Network’s shared global intelligence and layered security, which help mitigate fraud rates, she stated.
Following are additional highlights from the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Cybercrime Report:
LexisNexis Risk Solutions published a video summary of the Cybercrime Report in its ongoing Digital Identity Summit Virtual Series. The latest episode, published Sept. 15, includes Moody’s overview of key findings and emerging threats. Free registration is available at gateway.on24.com/wcc/eh/2422888/lp/2451853/the-changing-face-of-cybercrime/.
For a free copy of the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Cybercrime Report visit risk.lexisnexis.com/insights-resources/research/cybercrime-report
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