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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

Friday, May 10, 2019

Education a centerpiece for ETA

The Electronic Transactions Association's emphasis on education is evident throughout its diverse initiatives and programs ‒ from certification of payments professionals to webinars on emerging industry issues to meetings with members of Congress organized to explain aspects of payments that would otherwise elude them, and more. Recently, the organization's ongoing commitment to education was on full display at Transact 19. Held at the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino, the association's annual conference's multi-threaded agenda provided multiple opportunities for interactive learning and professional development.

In addition to recognizing ETA's Forty Under 40, sponsored by Discover Global Network, the ETA emphasized the need for payments professionals to continuously update their knowledge of technology, security and emerging trends to navigate the ever-changing payments landscape.

"It's tough to choose my favorite thing about Transact, but beyond the professional networking and business meetings, what I enjoy most are the continuing education sessions," said Greg Leos, senior vice president and head of business banking at Bank of America Merchant Services. "The payments industry changes rapidly, and these sessions help me stay on top of things at a very high level. I always look forward to attending them."

ETA YPP scholars

The ETA Young Payments Professional Scholar Program (ETA YPP) is designed to help young professionals "grow, build collegial relationships with a class of scholars, and meet with respected leaders from influential companies that matter to the future of payments innovation," the ETA stated. "Following their year as YPPs, scholars can continue their involvement with ETA by volunteering on committees and councils, contributing articles, and taking on an advisory role with the next group of ETA YPP scholars."

The program provides opportunities to serve on ETA committees and councils, work closely with senior industry mentors and actively participate in developing the YPP program. To be eligible, each year's ten honorees must be currently employed by an ETA member company, be between the ages of 21 and 35, have at least two years of payments industry experience and obtain approval from a supervisor to apply to the program.

"It is an honor to be included in this year's class of YPPs," said Diane Driscoll, ETA YPP scholar and certified payments professional. "The program has helped me grow my professional network and stay up to date on technology, compliance and industry trends."

ETA CPP recipients

Driscoll participated in a panel discussion moderated by Dale Cardarelli, vice president, enterprise sales, Citizens Bank Merchant Services/Worldpay. In the presentation, titled Continuing Education in Payments, panelists discussed program features and benefits while emphasizing the need to maintain a "learning mindset" in order to compete in a mature, consolidating industry.

The program is not a once-and-done, Cardarelli stated, but a lifetime learning opportunity. "I personally go to ETA for learning and development resources," she said. "And for those who have tenure and experience in this program, I encourage you to participate in an ETA committee."

Cardarelli additionally noted that committee involvement, industry-related activities and ETA courses that address a range of topics, including risk management, payment facilitation and payment card interchange, qualify as CPP continuing education credits, enabling credentialed professionals to keep up with industry trends while renewing their certification every three years. end of article

Editor's Note: For additional news from Transact 19, see "Transact 19 highlights technology innovators," posted under Breaking Industry News on May 3, 2019.

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