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A Thing Just the Fax, Maíam
Just the Fax, Ma'am


When you have a new product or service, how do you tell others about it? Press releases, advertisements, phone calls? Maybe you even print flyers or brochures. Those are all good ideas but how about using something that you already use everyday? Plus, it's free!

Use your fax cover sheets as flyers and ads. Instead of using the cover sheet simply for the "To and From" facts of the transmission, use the space to print a small ad for yourself or publicize something you do well. For example, there could be a tag line telling the recipient about a new product, or an image of a piece of POS equipment you sell or repair.

Using your fax cover sheets creatively can be an effective way to upsell existing customers. For example, if you are sending a form pertaining to the customer's current service, this is the perfect vehicle for them to find out about the new benefit that can be added to that service. And, since it's contained on the cover sheet, it's not a hard sell. Finally, you can repeat that information every time you send that person a fax.

So take an hour or so and redesign your fax cover sheets. The possibilities are endless and the best part is, since you're sending that fax anyway, the added plug for your company is free!

