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A Thing decision makers
Too Many Decision Makers


We all know that it is imperative to find out who the decision-maker is early in your prospecting. If you aren't talking to the person with the power to say "Yes," you're wasting your breath.

If you ask your prospect if he is the decision-maker and he says, "I'm one of them", do you panic? Do you abandon ship because it will be just too hard to convince a group of people to purchase your product? Don't!b Just because you need to get the "Yes" from a group of people rather than one, doesn't mean it will be harder. It's still just one "Yes" and you still need to overcome the same obstacles.


1. First, find out the names of the players and what they do, so you can make your product attractive to each person. For example, the manager will be happy that closeouts are easier, the sales person will be attracted that the checkout time is faster, and the owner may be attracted to the lower cost of the equipment.


2. Next, make sure you notice how each person is introduced and addressed. Find out if the company uses last names or only first names and follow their protocol. Remember, the same rules may not apply to the boss as apply to everyone else. For example, maybe everyone uses his or her first names except for the boss.


3. Next, find out who is boss of whom. Knowing who has the power in the organization will help you if two of the decision-makers have opinions that conflict.


4. Along the lines of number 2, you will need to find out the history of the decision- makers. The person highest on the totem pole isn't necessarily the one who has all the clout. Watch for human dynamics. If everyone agrees with the boss, you know who you need to convince.


5. Next, make certain you find out about any decision-makers that are not present. Get their names and positions and see if you can find out why they're not present. Try to get something to them in writing.


6. Find out what each person wants and be sure to ask questions of the quietest member. If there is anyone who is too quiet, he or she may have concerns that will not be voiced until your absence. Make sure you hear all objections before the group meets without you.

When it comes to presenting your service to a group of people, you don't need to be a psych major; just observant. People watching can yield many clues as to how to play the situation and get the sale.